Lupinus arboreus Sims (Syn: Lupinus barilochensis C.P. Sm.);
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Lupinus arboreus from California: Lupinus arboreus Sims., Bot. Mag. 17: t. 682. 1803 Common names: bush lupine, tree lupin, tree lupine, yellow bush lupine
Bush or small tree with 5-12 oblanceolate leaflets, up to 6 cm long, strigose on both sides; flowers sulphur yellow in loose racemes; pod up to 7 cm long.
Common on hill slopes in California, photographed from Half-moon area Great to see a Lupinus species. Native for USA, …, where it grows wild . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Lupinus arboreus from California-GSOCT41/46 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Lupinus arboreus Sims., Bot. Mag. 17: t. 682. 1803 Common names: bush lupine, tree lupin, tree lupine, yellow bush lupine
Bush or small tree with 5-12 oblanceolate leaflets, up to 6 cm long, strigose on both sides; flowers sulphur yellow in loose racemes; pod up to 7 cm long.
Common on hill slopes in California, photographed from Half-moon area do you have a habitat picture of the area?
Pl. check Lupinus arboreus as per CalFlora database (of the 136 species recorded), with your high resolution images. No record of Lupinus luteus here as well as in POWO. Thanks … let me check. Most likely Lupinus arboreus, yellow bush lupine, a shrub of the California coast:
. References:
Lupinus arboreus (USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024