Lupinus polyphyllus

Big Leaf Lupin, Garden lupin, Large-leaf lupin, Washington lupin;

Stout perennial, leaves with 8-15 leaflets up to 12 cm long; racemes dense, erect, up to 50 cm long with bluish to reddish flowers; pods 4 cm long.

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl., Bot. Reg 13: t. 1096. 1827  
Common names: garden lupin, large-leaf lupin, Washington lupin
Stout perennial, leaves with 8-15 leaflets up to 12 cm long; racemes dense, erect, up to 50 cm long with bluish to reddish flowers; pods 4 cm long.
Commonly cultivated in gardens in Kashmir.




Lupinus flowers seen in a temple garden.
Place : Sonmarg, Kashmir
Date : June 2009
Habitat : Cultivated

I think it is Lupinus polyphyllos.. kindly recheck!!

It looks like Lupinus polyphyllus to me too.

the spelling perhaps should be Lupinus polyphyllus with a u …
native of north america, can become weedy… quite invasive


Please help with Id_03 : 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) 

This beautiful Flower (some Lily, I suppose) I came across in a garden in La Chun, North Sikkim. Snap taken in May 2015. The owner of the garden could not tell the name, but they said that it had been collected locally, not from any nursery.

Please help with id. 

This is not a lily..rather a Lupinus sp. …Fabaceae

Yes ornamental Lupines come in a wide range of colours.
Can see the typical Palmately compound leaves

yes. a beautiful large leaf lupine

sutton’s seeds in kolkata /russell street branch

used to have these seeds and they describe it as bold spikes which your picture certainly attests to.

Lupinous polyphyllus is what they have ided it as

I think … is right in saying that it’s Lupinus polyphyllus

I do not know KEY to various species and hybrids.

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl., Bot. Reg 13: t. 1096. 1827

Common names: garden lupinlarge-leaf lupinWashington lupin
Stout perennial, leaves with 8-15 leaflets up to 12 cm long; racemes dense, erect, up to 50 cm long with bluish to reddish flowers; pods 4 cm long. 
Commonly cultivated in gardens in Kashmir.



SK549 07 JUN-2017:ID7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Lepchaghat, Darjeeling, India
Date: 24 May  2017
Altitude: 7200 ft.

Pl. check comparative images at Fabaceae page in efi site. 

I know it is there. 

It is Lupinus sp. 

Thanks, …  Now that this name is familiar to me, I agree with you. 

…, Pl. Check comparative images in efi. 

Pl. check with images at Lupinus polyphyllus 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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