Lysimachia punctata (USA/ Europe)

Lysimachia punctata L., Sp. Pl. 147 1753. (syn: Lysimachia punctata var. verticillata (Bieb.) Klatt (ambiguous synonym); Lysimachia quadrifolia Mill. (ambiguous synonym); Lysimachia verticillaris Spreng. (ambiguous synonym); Lysimachia villosa F. W. Schmidt; Lysimachusa punctata (L.) Pohl; Nummularia punctata (L.) Büscher & G. H. Loos);
Austria, Czech Republic (I), Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belgium (I), England (I), Denmark (I), Finland (I), Germany (I), Switzerland (I), Netherlands (I), Norway (I), Sweden (I), France (I), Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Serbia & Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine, Crimea, E-European Russia, Turkey (Inner Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia, W-Anatolia, WN-Anatolia), European Turkey, USA (I) (Connecticut (I), District of Columbia (I), Iowa (I), Illinois (I), Kansas (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I), Maine
(I), Michigan (I), Montana (I), North Carolina (I), Nebraska (I), New Hampshire (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), Vermont (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I)), Canada (I) (British Columbia (I), New Brunswick (I), Newfoundland (I), Nova Scotia (I), Ontario (I), Prince Edward Isl. (I), Quebec (I))
as per Catalogue of Life;



Since Lysimachia Species is under review, adding a couple of them seen in New Jersey during my visit a couple of years ago.
A cultivated, garden plant seen in a garden in New Jersey. 
Could be Lysimachia punctata?

Or could be Lysimachia vulgaris?

Yes , it is.

Thanks for validating my suggested Species.

But which one of the two?
Lysimachia punctata or Lysimachia vulgaris?
I am confused.

vulgaris !

I think more closer to images of Lysimachia punctata as per

Thanks for the correction. This is what I had suggested initially.

This is L. punctata. The two very similar species can be easily differentiated

L. vulgaris: Flowers smaller, 8-12 mm across, in terminal panicles, calyx lobes ovate
L. punctata: Flowers 12-19 mm across, in axillary clusters or single in leaf axils, calyx lobes narrowly lanceolate
Plant for ID-PC-46-29.08.2015 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Correct Attachments (3)

here is another plant for ID from a house in Wetter, Germany.

First image looks different sp. and the remaining images looks like Lysimachia sp.

It is Lysimachia punctata




References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  World Flora Online  IPNI

Updated on December 24, 2024

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