Lysionotus serratus


D. Don in Edinb. Phil. Journ, vii. 85, and Prodr. 124 ; leaves elliptic acuminate crenate-serrate or lanceolate herbaceous sinuate, sepals narrowly lanceolate thin. Bot. Mag. t. 6538. L. ternifolia, Wall. Pl. As. Rar. ii. 20, t. 118 ; A. DC. Prodr. ix. 264 ; Clarke Comm. & Cyrt. Beng. t. 52. Calosacme polycarpa, Wall. Cat. 804.

SUBTROPICAL HIMALAYA, alt. 2-7000 ft. ; from Kumaon to Bhotan, common, Wallich, &c. ASSAM and KHASIA MTS., alt. 1-4000 ft., common.
Stem 12 in., branched. Leaves often ternate, 6 by 2 in., from narrow-lanceolate to elliptic, closely serrate nearly to the base or sinuate ; nerves prominent, oblique ; petiole 1/3 in. Peduncles often 4 in. ; bracts 1/3 in., ovate ; pedicels 1/4-1/2 in. Sepals 1/4 in., in young fruit often enlarged 1/3-1/2 in. and somewhat connate at the base. Corolla 1 in., deep purple or paler, or white with purplish veins. Capsule 2-4 in.
(From The Flora of British India (1855)- from IBIS Flora)

Images by J.M.Garg (Id by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) 


Flora picture of the Year 2014- J.M.Garg : 13 posts by 10 authors. Attachments(1)
This unidentified picture is a reminder of my last trek in July’ 2010 to Namdhapa. I loved my treks so much for its freshness & energy, to take me in the lap of Himalayas, which only a few are lucky to undertake.
Since than efloraofindia has been my priority & I could not undertake any more treks as it would have otherwise disrupted my work on efloraofindia. I even put my pictures for identification on least priority. Incidentally, work on efi site begin in Nov.’2010.
But I have no regrets as what as a group we have done is beyond any body’s imagination.
I feel work of a team is much greater than a work of an individual. And to work as a part of this team of efloraofindia is the most satisfying.

Excellent photograph. Looks to be an Impatiens sp.

with such big bean like seed pod?

Nice picture, … Certainly your dedication to eFI, has in some way cast a kind of shadow on your explorations; however, the larger picture of eFI in perpetual bloom is a big joy.

Excellent Shot … To me also it looks like Impatiens sp

Nice picture .., More than that, your achievements at eFI are far more outreaching….this is for certain that such a big task like updating the database on a regular basis and related activities requires full time commitment and devotion, and you are doing this excellently..
I can request you to take a break of one week or so this year, to visit any place you love. Hopefully, many of our friends will be able to accompany, if you can chalk out a programme…
To me your posted plant does not look like a Impatiens sp. to which the fruit resembles, flowers look closer to Strobilanthes or a Gesneriaceae, experts may help..

Thanks, … It is not that I don’t go out. I regularly go with my family but miss my treks.
But no regrets anyway in the larger interest of efloraofindia.

Thanks for this beautiful post! Your plant is Lysionotus serratus D. Don (Gesneriaceae).
Common in Upper Siang and other districts of Arunachal Pradesh!!
You can check the following links for confirmation:

Thanks, … So many of plants are pending but no time to process & post.
Hope to get time in future after attending priority works of efloraofindia.

Himalayan mountains are full of floral beauty, one has to explore to see. But these explorations are demanding- time, strength, money, passion and good company too.
These experiences of himalayan explorations are really unforgetable and these mountains call back a fan again and again.
HOWEVER, we all are fortunate that you are able to give a lot of time to manage each and everything in eFI, off course, at the cost of those wonderful tracks and trails.
My sincere salutations to your devotion for eFI.


Images by Dinesh Singh Rawat (Id by D S Rawat) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) 

Herb from Uttarakhand (07): ID Requested : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Please help in id this plant.
:Stem fleshy – succulent, green with brown- purple spots.
:Growing in association epiphyte Piper and Ficus sp.

Please check for Lysionotus species in Gesneriaceae.

The plant uploaded seems to be Lysionotis pauciflorus

I observed the specimen for Lysionotus sp. It is close to Lysionotus serratus syn. L. ternifolia (Gesneriaeae)……..
Its description: Epiphyte, under-shrub, stem fleshy with brown or purple spots. Leaves petiolate (ca. 2 cm) or sessile, vary in size, largest one ca. 13 x 3 cm, papery on dry, margin dentate-crenate, base cuneate, apex acuminate, lateral veins 5-10 pairs. Inflorescence cymose, ca. 5-8 flowered. Calyx 5, lobes linear, acute-obtuse. Capsule ca. 10 cm long, two valved. Seed many, minute, hair like appendage either one or both ends.
I requests to the experts for validation of id, Please.
HNBGU, Srinagar, Uttarakhand

Only one species of Lysionotus is known in Uttarakhand (L.serratus) and the plant is correctly identified.
A photograph of the plant is also there in Stainton1988 (Flowers of the Himalaya A Supplement) but depict the flowering stage.
The another plant species which resemble to it is Chirita pumila growing in similar altitude and habitats. But Chirita has erect capsules and seeds are unappendaged.

I am taking it as Lysionotus serratus D.Don (Gesneriaeae).

This plants is a Lysinotus serratus D. Don. (Gesneriaceae)


Gori Valley Tour: Epiphyte for id from Munsiyari:
This interesting plant with long follicles and persistent calyx was found near Shilling village in the Gori Valley, id help requested…

are these seedpods?
flowers are done I guess?

Looks like a Lysionotus sp (Gesneriaceae) to me.

I think I can see three different orchids in your pics. Oberonia, Coelogyne and Pholidota.

Chirita pumila in fruiting, a plant with flowers you posted earlier.

… you have to recheck images of Chirita pumila here as the leaves & calyx seems to be glabrous in view of illustration at FOC
Also see … images at another thread

Agree with Lysionotus sp….cab be checked for L. serratus

Some more information in the link about C. pumila

Enclosing some more pictures I took on 24 July 2016 at the Sundarijal at 5500 ft. I guess these are also Chirita pumila. Please verify. Attachments (3)

Thanks, … I think matches with images at Lysionotus serratus

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0391-3.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0400-4.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0398-4.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0393-6.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0403-3-6.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC_0405-6.JPGLysionotus serratus D. Don : 12 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) – 500 Kb or more.

Location : Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 8 August 2017
Elevation : 2600 ft.
Nepali Name : विरे फूल Vire Phool

Does not matches with images at Lysionotus serratus D. Don

Also does not seem to match with any Gesneriaceae member so far in efi.

Some experts confirmed it is Lysionotus serratus D. Don.
Your opinion please !

Thank you … for such a detailed exploration

id please : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
herb from Bhutan

Thanks, …, Was it wild or cultivated ?

It is wild

Try Lysionotus.

Either its a part of shrub or tree ?

Appears to be some Gesneriaceae member

This could be Lysionotus serratus as character are reflecting. There is another similar species L. kingii where leaves are entire along margins. Possibly after type never collected!

I guess … has correctly identified. Please compare with images at Lysionotus serratus – efloraofindia

Lysionotus serratus D.Don : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each.
Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1612 m.
Habit : Wild  


Lysionotus serratus D.Don : 8 posts by 1 author. 8 images- 6 to 7 mb each.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 07 August 2020
Elevation: 1603 m.
Habit : Wild 


Please id this flower.: (Mixed thread): 2 correct images.
Found and photographed this flower, a member of Gesneriaceae (Gloxinia) family at Upper Samdong area, East Sikkim. Please confirm whether it is Lysionotus gamosepalus or Lysionotus serratus or any other species.

serratus !

Do you have any other images showing the leaves etc.?

At present I have no other images. I will try to manage it if I go there.



The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora  Herbarium Catalogue

Updated on December 24, 2024

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