Maasia glauca

Image by Tapas Chakraborty 

Native: Indonesia (Sumatera); Malaysia; Thailand
A semi-gregarious species that is found on rocky hillsides and ridges.
Endangered A1cd ver 2.3

Massia glauca (Annonaceae) – twig only. : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Syn. Polyalthia parkinsonii.

Abundant tall trees in interior evergreen forests of Andaman Islands at low altitudes.

The sample was photographed for documentation as the primitive Jarawas use the bark strips for making bow string.

amazing, ….

bow strings are generally made of muscle sinews along a mammals shoulders or where really long muscles are .. and then processed by aboriginies/ natives into really strong strings..resilient  and one that does not dry out and break.

I am amazed astonished that tree bark would yield such strong and resilient material for bow string.

Is there any data showing that strength?

Did some anthropologists already collect these bows and their strings…

or did your group?

would we be fortunate to see their specimen? or their papers where they tested the strength

wonders never cease…

I am not saying it could not happen, just that there is so much we do not know of the native technology.

Anyone interested may visit the Anthropological Museum at Port Blair where such items are exhibited.

Massia glauca bole kono naam google e pachhi na
Jstor e eta pellum Spelling is Maasia … with double A and single S.
they are saying its a new genus…  paper was apparently published in 2008.

I feel that the best way for checking a name is to download the software of Index Kewensis and type the plant name there. It will guide us to the correct name and spelling.

Updated on December 24, 2024