Macaranga indica Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: t. 1883 1852. (syn. Macaranga adenantha Gagnep.; Tanarius indicus (Wight) Kuntze; Trewia hernandifolia Roth); . Tamil: Vattakanni, Vattathamarei, Vuttuttamarai Malayalam: Uppila, Vatta, Vattakkanni Kannada: Bettadavare, Makaranda mara; . Gregarious trees, bark grey, smooth; exudation red, watery; branchlets fulvous tomentose, glaucous. Leaves simple, alternate; stipules large, lateral, densely pubescent, deciduous; petiole 12-22 cm long, stout, pubescent; lamina 15-30 x 12-25 cm, ovate-orbicular or deltoid-ovate, base peltate, apex acuminate, margin entire or toothed, glabrous above and tawny-pubescent, intermingled with yellowish glands beneath; 2 large glands near the petiolar insertion above, coriaceous; 8-10 ribs from base, palmate, prominent; lateral nerves 6-12 pairs, parallel, prominent; intercostae scalariform, prominent, margin glandular. Flowers unisexual, yellow, in axillary panicles having zig-zag branches; bracts small with a large, flat glandular appendage; male flowers: tepals 3, initially connate, later spreading, concave, ovate, valvate, acute, glandular; stamens 6-8, shortly connate below, exserted; anthers 4-celled; female flowers: tepals 4, lanceolate, basally connate at base, valvate, acute, glandular; ovary superior, 2-6-celled, globose, echinate, ovules one in each cell; style lateral; stigma acute. Fruit a capsule, 7-8 mm across, globose, echinate; seeds black. Flowering and fruiting: October-December Degraded forest areas South and South East Asia Fwd: Macaranga indica? : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 4 authors. it is from Periyar, i think it is Macaranga indica, but i am not very sure, please confirm This is Macaranga indica Is it the same as the picture I’ve attached? Is Macaranga indica synonymous with Macaranga peltata? Macaranga peltata and M. indica are two different species. You can see the two species in kew website. and type the species name. . MS,April,2022/01 Macaranga sp. for id.: 1 image. Location : W.Kawnpui, Mizoram Altitude : ca.700 m. Date : 15-11-2012 Habit : Tree Habitat : Wild Try to check with comparative images. I think it is Macaranga indica Is there any other species reported from Mizoram? Yes, I agree with you for Macaranga indica Wight Looks like Macaranga indica but flowers are required for confirmation. .
. References: The Plant List Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flora of China India Biodiversity Portal Biotik Macaranga indica Weight, Indian Medicinal Plant |
Macaranga indica
Updated on December 24, 2024