Macaranga triloba (Thunb.) Müll.Arg., Prodr. 15(2): 989 1866. (Syn: Macaranga cornuta Müll.Arg.; Macaranga quadricornis Ridl.; Pachystemon trilobus (Thunb.) Blume; Ricinus trilobus Reinw. ex Blume [Illegitimate]; Ricinus trilobus Thunb.; Rininus trilobus Thunb.; Tanarius cornutus (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze; Tanarius trilobus (Thunb.) Kuntze); A shrub ca 150 cm tall. Location: Karanglewas Banyumas ca 600 m alt. ID is requested. Thank you Macaranga member? Leaf do not like any Macaranga You can see how female flowers and aril (red) of a Macaranga may look like – You can read description of M. triloba Muell. Arg. in Fl. Br. Ind. or at – The only feature I miss in the attached images is of stipules. Thank you very much. Perhaps your 2nd photo shows stipules, please note the highlighted part of the attached photo (I have modified your upload). And M. triloba is a shrub or tree –
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Macaranga triloba
Updated on December 24, 2024