Madhuca insignis

IUCN Red List Status: Extinct (Ex)

insignis (Radlk.) H.J.Lam, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 7: 182 1925. (Syn: Bassia insignis Radlk.; Illipe insignis (Radlk.) Engl.; Vidoricum insigne (Radlk.) Kuntze);

SW. India (Karnataka) as per POWO;

The species is recorded from a single locality in Mangalore in South Kanara District, Karnataka.

Regionally extinct: India (Karnataka)
It has not been found this century despite thorough searches.


Madhuca insignis (mixed thread): 2 correct images as above. 1 pdf.

Attaching pictures of Madhuca insignis for comparison. This endemic species is found only in Udupi, Karnataka and is listed by IUCN as ‘presumably extinct’. Its very rare, not cultivated and so no confusion.
The leaves are broadly obovate, obtuse (blunt) at apex. Fruits fusiform, smooth i.e. not hairy, with a single seed.
Attached our paper on this species for ref.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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