Maerua oblongifolia

Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk.) A.Rich., Tent. Fl. Abyss. 1: 32 1847. (syn: Capparis heteroclita Roxb.; Capparis heterogenea Roxb. ex Steud.; Capparis oblongifolia Forsk.; Crateva oblongifolia Spreng.; Maerua angustifolia A.Rich.; Maerua arenaria (DC.) Hook.fil. & Thoms.; Maerua arenaria var. glabra Hook.fil. & Thoms.; Maerua arenaria var. scabra Hook.fil. & Thoms.; Maerua dasyura Gilg & Gilg-Ben.; Maerua oblongifolia A.Rich.; Maerua oblongifolia var. glabra (Hook.fil. & Thoms.) N.C.Nair; Maerua oblongifolia var. scabra (Hook.fil. & Thoms.) N.C.Nair; Maerua ovalifolia (Endl. ex Walp.) Cambess.; Maerua rogeonii A.Chev.; Maerua scabra (Endl. ex Walp.) Cambess.; Maerua scebelensis Chiov.; Maerua virgata Gilg; Niebuhria arenaria DC.; Niebuhria oblongifolia DC.; Streblocarpus angustifolia (A.Rich.) Endl.; Streblocarpus oblongifolia (Forsk.) Endl.; Streblocarpus ovalifolia Endl. ex Walp.; Streblocarpus scabra Endl. ex Walp.);
Egypt (SE-Egypt), Saudi Arabia (Hejaz), Yemen (Aden Desert, Tihama, W-Yemen), Oman, Pakistan (Sind, Waziristan, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi), India (widespread), Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, ?Niger, Nigeria, N-Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, NE-D.R.Congo (Zaire), Benin as per Catalogue of Life;

[EfloraofIndia_010212PD02_Maerua oblongifolia_Flora of Odisha]:  sharing the images of one of the extremely rare plant from my region, Maerua oblongifolia taken from Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha
Name: Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk) A. Rich
Family: Capparaceae
Habit: Woody liana/woody climbing shrub
Habitat: Wild in scrub/thorny forests in the foot hills of dry deciduous hill forests
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha

Ecological importance: Fruits are favorite diet for Giant squirrels. It is highly drought and high temperature resistant. Only two individuals are reported during the survey.

capparaceae- cleomaceae week 04092013 :  Attachments (1).  5 posts by 4 authors.

Maeurea oblongifolia, … sending images of the same


Maerua oblongifolia

Very good photographs …

Identification please. ID No-019 :  Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors.


Habit-Woody climber or Herb and associated with Acacia sp.

Date of Pic. taken-20.02.2013

I think Maerua oblongifolia.

I have seen similar galls on it.

Capparis for identification :: 190314MK :: March 007 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).
Please help me in identifying this Capparaceae shrub;
the plant is 2-3 m tall, straggling unarmed shrub found in a dry area; fruits are aggregate.
Habitat: canal bund and near agricultural fallow land
Date: 05 March 2014
Place: Vettangudi Bird Sanctuary, Sivagangai dist., TN

Alt.: 115 m asl

Good pictures of Maerua oblongifolia.

Yes Maerua oblongifolia from me too.


Maerua arenaria Hook. f. & Thomson SN 15Jan 27 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Maerua arenaria Hook. f. & Thomson, (= Maerua ovalifolia Cambess),

climbing shrub from Manmad area of Nashik Dt, Maharashtra

Ihad posted picture as M.Oblongifolia from nandgaon last year are the two different ?


Both of them are synonym only.

Need id assistance of JNU campus plant 170415SP1-4 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
I need id assistance of following 4 images belonging to Capparaceous taxon
Locality: JNU New Campus

Maerua sp. (oblongifolia) ?

efi page on Capparis oblongifolia (syn: Maerua oblongifolia)

Maerua will not contain spines. It will be a species of Capparis only.

Species is Maerua oblongifolia (Forssk.) A.Rich.
Looking like large shrub,
Sepals 4, fused forming a tube,
Only two species of Maerua in India M. apetala & M. oblongifolia,
M. oblongofolia because petals are present, small greenish-yellow,

Yes It is Maerua oblongifolia Syn. Maerua cylindrocarpa. It is very common in E.ghats

Images by tspkumar


TSP-DEC2015-43-216: Images of Maerua oblongifolia (Capparaceae) : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Maerua oblongifolia (Capparaceae


Habit: Shrub 

Habitat: Scrub forest 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 900 msl 

Date: 22-02-2015 and 05-03-2015


Supplementing with an image of fruiting in Maerua oblongifolia (Capparaceae)

Sighting: Kalasapura, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 900 msl
Date: 25-03-2015

Attachments (1)

Capparis oblongifolia : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Location: Chennai
July 18

Date: This July
Place: Maaganium RF. Kanchipuram dt.
Attachments (3)

great. for sake of completeness you might want to take one good shot of front and another of back of the leaves. i love that you spotted the gree bug. i have no idea of its name, do you know?

I don’t know. But our brains can give a unique ID for any new species we see new …


Perennial vine liana – east Rajasthan : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.

Perennial like vine, brittle leaves, maybe Sandlewood sp
fruiting and casting leaves in mid summer. Fruits interior are like glueberry
Location : eastern Rajasthan
Free seeds available-post for whom correctly identify – if want some.
photo 1 – fruit,,,,,  photo 2 – leaves ,,,, photo 3 fruit interior
update – id by …- Maerua oblongifolia

Maerua oblongifolia, Capparaceae member,



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Wikipedia  India Biodiversity Portal (Maerua oblongifolia A.Rich.)  Flora of Pakistan (Maerua arenaria (DC.) Hook. f. & Thorns. in Hook.f. with  Maerua ovalifolia Camb., Maerua scabra Camb. & Niebuhria arenaria DC. as syn.)

Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhar Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (Keys- Maerua oblongifolia & apetala & Description) (Maerua oblongifolia A.Rich. with Capparis oblongifolia Forssk., Maerua arenaria (DC.) Hook. f. & Thorns. in Hook.f.  & Niebuhria arenaria DC. as synonyms)  
Updated on December 24, 2024

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