Magnolia campbellii

Southern magnolia, bull bay • Hindi: हिम चम्पा Him champa • Manipuri: ঊথম্বাল Oothambal;

Magnolia campbellii, Campbell’s Magnolia, is a species of Magnolia that grows in sheltered valleys in the Himalaya from eastern Nepal, Sikkim and Assam, India, east to southwestern China (southern Xizang, Yunnan, southern Sichuan) and south to northern Myanmar.

Magnolia campbellii is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree growing to 30 m, rarely to 45 m, tall, with smooth grey bark. The leaves are 10-23 cm (rarely to 33 cm) long and 4.5-10 cm (rarely to 14 cm) broad, fuzzy underneath and with an acute apex. The flowers are very large, 15-25 cm (rarely 35 cm) diameter, with 12-16 tepals, which vary from white to dark pink. They appear very early, before the leaves, opening from late winter to early spring. After opening, the innermost tepals remain erect while the others spread widely. This arrangement may shelter the stamens and stigmas from rain, snow, and other harsh environmental conditions common during their very early flowering time period.
Magnolia campbellii is grown as an ornamental tree for its breathtaking flowers, though successful flowering is limited to mild areas with no late spring frosts. Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata flowers slightly later and is less likely to have its flowers frost-damaged.
Young trees take a long time to reach flowering age and need deep, moist soil and a mild, sheltered site.
Several cultivars have been named, including ‘Alba’ (white flowers), ‘Charles Raffil’ (bright purple-pink flowers; starts flowering on younger trees), and ‘Strybing White’ (white flowers).
A number of hybrids with other Magnolias have also been developed.
(From Wikipedia on 12.3.14)

Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by Sandhya S)

Magnolia campbellii Hook.f. & Thoms., Fl. ind. 1:77. 1855
Lofty deciduous tree with leaves appearing after flowers; leaves elliptic-oblong to subovate, 20-30 cm long, pubescent or silky beneath; petiole 25-35 mm long; flowers solitary terminal, 15-20 cm across, outer perianth yellow, inner white with purple base, buds enclosed by spathaceous rusty bracts; stamens purplish; fruit up to 15 cm long.
This East Himalayan species was clicked from SFO Botanical Garden in California.

Is this Magnolia grandiflora? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
This picture is taken on the trekking route from Dhotre (2700 Mts from MSL) (Latitude:  27°2’59” N , Longitude: 88°6’36” E) to Tonglu(3090 Mts from MSL) (Latitude:  27°2’4″  N , Longitude: 88°4’46” E).
Please help me in identifying the flower and tree.

It must have been a great sight to encounter such a bloom. I was also awestruck to watch this on way to Sandakphu. This is Magnolia
A pink form can also be seen around Dhotre. Magnolia grandiflora is a cultivated tree but nevertheless this is no way any
thing less than grand flowering.

Thank you so very much Srikant for help me identifying the tree.
Yes you are right.This sight is awesome and see them blooming in your own eyes is out of world experience.

Just to tell you about the small error Magnolia campbellii J. D. Hooker & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 77. 1855 [ Shrikant Ji made a typographical error in the spelling of camplellii , just missed out a “i” at the end ] probably now it’s known as Yulania campbellii (J. D. Hooker & Thomson) D. L. Fu, J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 19: 198. 2001.

Thanks for the effort you put.
OK i will update the name but calling it Magnolia may not wrong in my humble opinion. Thanks again for replying

Possibly Magnolia campbelii Hook.f. & Thomson

Magnolia :  2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
On the Lava, Neora trails

Lovely pictures, … I think it’s Magnolia campbellii.


Took this image in Eaglenest NP, Arunachal Pradesh.
Lots of trees were in bloom.ID help would be appreciated
Mar 2008

Just a wild guess- Can it be Magnolia campbellii var. campbellii as per details below in Indiantreepix Database?:

Further see the picture at link, though of a different variety, but just to show how it will look from distance.

Attaching 4 pictures of Magnolia campbellii. 
This pictures were taken in April-2006(during trekking to Sandakphu –through Singalila Forest) and in March-2007(in Llyods Botanical Garden, Darjeeling). 
Magnolia belongs to the family Magnoliaceae 
Magnolia is one of the oldest genera and may be called an ancient genus. It is evident from the fact that about 100 million years old fossilized flower of Magnolia has been discovered. 
In wild condition Magnolia grows in forest with high atmospheric moisture and humus-rich soil. 
Medicinal Importance:
Bark of Magnolia is used to treat asthma, blood problems, headache etc.  
Distribution in India
Very abundant in entire Sikkim and  Darjeeling Dist.(of West Bengal). 
Some want to enjoy the beauty Magnolia may trek to Sandakphu (through Singhalia forest) at the end of March to middle of April. 

Magnolia kisopa (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Figlar (accepted name) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Location: Godawari Botanical Garden, Nepal
Altitude:  5000 ft.
Date: 21 February 2015
Nepali Names: वन चम्पा  ban Champaa / सिर्मू Sirmoo

Looks different from images at

Also check with Type specimen if you have leaves:

To me it appears like Magnolia campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson (also as per details herein) as per comparative images at Magnolia

Location:  Godawari, Nepal  
Date: 18 April 2018
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Habit: Wild 
ID validation !
Attachments (2)

Is it from the same tree ?
Pl. check at the following:

I guess from same plant.
Shall check once again when back to Nepal.

Magnolia doltsopa (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Figlar (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- one of 1 Mb.

Location: Sano Phedi, Pathibhara, Taplejung, Nepal
Date: 19 April 2017
Altitude: 9000 ft. Approx.
Long shot though.

I feel it may be Magnolia campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson as per images herein, which flowers leafless during this period.

This is as per comparative images at Magnolia


Request for identification- DB : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 4 Mb.
Magnolia sp?
Arunachal Pradesh

2900m amsl

Pl. check at Magnolia

I also feel closet match seems to be Magnolia campbellii

Attachments (1)- 7 Mb.

Magnolia campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) – around 650 kb each.
Location: Ghandruk, Kaski Dt.
Date: 24 March 2019
Elevation: 20348 m.

Habit : Wild

Nepali Names : पुर्बेली चाँप Purbelee Chaanp / घोगे चाँप Ghoge Chaanp

Updated on December 24, 2024

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