Magnolia figo (Lour.) DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 460 1817. (Syn: Liriodendron figo Lour.; Liriopsis fuscata (Andrews) Spach; Magnolia annonifolia Salisb.; Magnolia fasciata Vent.; Magnolia figo var. figo ; Magnolia fuscata Andrews …; Magnolia meleagrioides DC.; Magnolia parviflora Blume; Magnolia parvifolia DC.; Magnolia versicolor Salisb.; Michelia fascicata (Andrews) Vent.; Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng.; Michelia fuscata (Andrews) Blume; Michelia parviflora Deless. [Illegitimate]; Michelia parvifolia (DC.) B.D.Jacks.; Sampacca parviflora (Deless.) Kuntze); Magnolia figo (also called Banana Shrub, Port Wine Magnolia, Michelia figo) is an evergreen tree growing to 3-4 m tall. It is native to China. Initially described as by Portuguese missionary and naturalist João de Loureiro as Liriodendron figo, it was reclassified as Michelia figo by German botanist Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel. In 2006, a cladistic analysis of the genus Michelia found them to lie within the genus Magnolia, with the name now being Magnolia figo. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens for its fragrant flowers, which are cream-white, purple rounded, or light-purple, and strongly scented. The leaves are leathery, dark glossy-green, up to 10 cm long. This plant is used in Shanghai, China, as a tall evergreen hedge. It grows to a large evergreen compact tree. It grows in acid and alkaline soil very well. Susceptible to black soot. (From Wikipedia on 13.3.14) Magnolia figo for supplementation and validation:: NS January 19:: 01 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Please validate the identity of this shrub, recorded from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra in March 2016, if id is right, this will add to eFI as flowering twigs, in addition/replacement to my earlier pics from BSI Magnolia figo (Lour.) DC. seems to be esp. the flower petals. tell me. do you have pictures of the whole shrub? how old is it?//how high?? and leaves both sides This shrub at present is hardly 1.5 m high and as much wide.. it was probably planted around 2011-12, but not taken good care of, being frequently and unnecessarily pruned by the gardeners.. I do not have more distant pics… Noted. cant the gardeners be trained? or kept away? I guess ID is correct.
Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight: Michelia figo from BSI, Dehradun- NS March 03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 attachments. This tree was captured from Botanical Garden of BSI, Dehradun.. I am presenting a single image of the plant along with name board.. Michelia figo.. I hope I have not messed up.. Magnolia figo (Magnoliaceae) from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra… : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9) Here am posting some images of Magnolia figo (Magnoliaceae) from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. Images were taken in March 2019…!!! nice photographs of A MAGNOLIA but shouldn’t the m. figo flowers be red wine color? |
Magnolia figo (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024