Magnolia liliifera (L.) Baill., Hist. Pl. 1: 141 1868. (Syn: Aromadendron oreadum (Diels) Kaneh. & Hatus.; Blumia candollei Nees [Invalid]; Liriodendron liliiferum L.; Magnolia andamanica (King) D.C.S.Raju & M.P.Nayar; Magnolia andamanica King [Invalid]; Magnolia candollei (Blume) H.Keng [Illegitimate]; Magnolia craibiana Dandy; Magnolia eriostepta var. poilanei Dandy ex Humbert [Invalid]; Magnolia forbesii King [Invalid]; Magnolia kunstleri King [Invalid]; Magnolia mutabilis (Blume) H.J.Chowdhery & P.Daniel; Magnolia odoratissima Reinw. ex Blume [Invalid]; Magnolia pachyphylla Dandy; Magnolia poilanei (Dandy ex Humbert) Callaway [Invalid]; Magnolia pulgarensis Dandy; Magnolia pumila Andrews; Magnolia rumphii (Blume) Spreng.; Magnolia splendens Reinw. ex Blume [Invalid]; Magnolia thamnodes Dandy; Manglietia celebica Miq.; Manglietia sebassa King; Manglietia thamnodes (Dandy) Gagnep.; Talauma andamanica King; Talauma athliantha Dandy; Talauma borneensis Merr.; Talauma candollei Blume; Talauma candollei var. latifolia Blume; Talauma celebica Koord.; Talauma forbesii King; Talauma gitingensis Elmer ..; Talauma gracilior Dandy; Talauma inflata P.Parm.; Talauma javanica P.Parm.; Talauma kunstleri King; Talauma liliifera (L.) Kurz; Talauma liliifera (L.) Kuntze; Talauma longifolia (Blume) Ridl.; Talauma macrophylla Blume ex Miq.; Talauma miqueliana Dandy; Talauma mutabilis Blume …; Talauma nhatrangensis Dandy; Talauma oreadum Diels; Talauma pulgarensis Elmer; Talauma pumila (Andrews) Blume; Talauma reticulata Merr.; Talauma rubra Miq.; Talauma rumphii Blume; Talauma sebassa (King) Miq. ex Dandy; Talauma soembensis Dandy; Talauma sumatrana A.Agostini; Talauma thamnodes (Dandy) Tiep; Talauma undulatifolia A.Agostini); . Common name: Egg Magnolia • Hindi: हिम चम्पा Him Champa • Manipuri: ঊথম্বাল Oothambal . Magnolia: 1 image. Looks more like Talauma mutabilis but I am not sure how to prevent the premature bud fall Spray planofix (2ml in one litre of water) at the beginning of flowering i.e. initiation of buds once a week to prevent fall of buds. This is available in agro-chemicals shop. thank you … will be useful for all those that have plnats in gardens, balcony, rooftop terrace… etc
MS191111-68 — Magnolia species-: 3 images. I am sending herewith the photographs of Magnolia species (M. grandiflora ?) for confirmation. Photos taken in a park in Mysore on 6.11.2011. Not Magnolia grandiflora at least Magnolia liliifera (L.) Baill. is the current name. syn Talauma mutabilis. This is a shrub with much smaller flowers than M. grandiflora. The leaves are not coriaceous and golden brown beneath. Yes …, now Magnolia liliifera. Egg Magnolia is a medium size tree with large velvet leaves and fragrant yellowish off-white flowers about 4-5″ wide. It is found in North-East India – Assam, Manipur, Sikkim. Before opening, buds have an egg shape, hence the common name. One of the most valuable ornamental fragrant trees of Asia. A highly valued fragrant flower of this small tree or shrub resembles Dwarf Magnolia flower, but the scent is much stronger. Leaves are large, 7-9 inches long and 4 inches wide. Can be grown in container in a well-lit spot. Egg Magnolia is similar to Dwarf Magnolia, as both species have those egg shaped flowerbuds, but Dwarf Magnolia flowers are white. Requesting ID of this plant from Mumbai : 16042013 : ARK-01 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Magnoliaceae – Magnolia liliifera from Mumbai :: AKMAR-07 : Attachments(5). 1 post by 1 author. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Talauma mutabilis : Kodaikanal : 110314 : AK-5 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. .
Magnolia liliifera, (L.) Baill. <=> Egg Magnolia Tree Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Magnoliaceae::Talauma mutabilis :: SMP06 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
Thanks …
Very good photographs. Would be interesting to know its ID. Check for Talauma grandiflora of Magnoliaceae Appears to be Magnolia liliifera Thanks for confirming the id. MAGNOLIA LILIIFERA ( EGG MAGNOLIA ) : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Attaching four images and a collage of Magnolia liliifera (EGG MAGNOLIA). . Magnolia id please: 3 images. Magnolia grandiflora Not Magnolia grandiflora please I had not come across the name Talauma mutabilis before. Better than that… It does not open completely mam. This is a very short lived flower..the petals fall off the very next day.. then its not a magnolia grandiflora… it may be?? Egg Magnolia (Talauma candollei) cant tell! This is Magnolia liliifera (L.) Baill. . References: |
Magnolia liliifera (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024