Mahadeswara Swamy: Best Flora Photograph to celebrate 15 years of completion of efloraofindia on 17.6.22

Swamy/New series/ID/65 – Handroanthus impetiginosus:
I consider the photo (s) of Handroanthus impetiginosus as best (Ref: Swamy/New series/ID/65 – Handroanthus impetiginosus)
It is the most beautiful ornamental tree during winter in Mysore. This tree is very important to me because it is very close to my dwelling place,  hardly a  few yards from my residence located diagonally opposite on the street. It started flowering in the last 4 years. It produces  bunches of beautiful pink blossoms in leafless condition. During the peak season, the tree  packed with clusters of congested terminal inflorescences forming a crimson canopy is a treat to the eyes. With blossoms held on a linear plane, penetrating sunrays, during  mornings,  make the tree look magnificent. No doubt, It is the most gorgeous ornamental tree. The flowers attract bees and several birds (hummingbirds, black jacobin, black-throated mango, stripe-breasted starthroat etc). The photos were captured using mobile phone. Always I used to take photos using my Cannon camera. Since it is not working for the past 2 years (from the beginning of the covid season). I could not go to the repair shop and therefore forced to take photos using mobile phone. Surprisingly, the photos look good. Though I took the photographs during January I did not post. Now that the tree is in vegetative stage I thought I could present the two sides of the coin. Even when it is not in flowering it looks so beautiful with its rounded canopy. I can see this tree even from the windows of my house. This tree is seen all over the city. When in bloom it attracts passersby and many take photographs. I receive innumerable telephone calls to know about the tree. I also wrote an article on this tree.
Check the link for the article:
Needless to say that this tree is close to my heart. That is why I chose these photos for the best photograph contest.

Thanks, Mahadeswara ji, for the wonderful presentation.

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Beautiful pictures Mahadeswara ji!

Handroanthus impetiginosus is really a very beautiful 💚 tree.

Wonderful views, Mahadeswara ji !!!!

Breath-taking !!!

What a beautiful bloom!

Updated on December 23, 2024

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