Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merrill, Sp. Blancoan. 222 1918 (syn: Adelia resinosa Blanco; = Axenfeldia intermedia Baillon; Mallotus intermedius (Baillon) Balakrishnan; = Mallotus stenanthus Müller; Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merrill var. stenanthus Müller; = Mallotus lawii Müller; = Mallotus walkerae Hooker; Mallotus muricatus (Wight) Müller var. walkerae (Hooker) Pax & Hoffmann; = Mallotus walkerae var. laxiflorus Hooker; = Mallotus beddomei Hooker; = Mallotus andamanicus Hooker; = Mallotus subramanyamii Ellis; Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merrill var. subramanyamii (Ellis)) as per Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020; . mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary res-in-OH-sus — resinous … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: resinous kamala • Malayalam: കരുവാളിച്ചി karuvaalichi • Tamil: சோலை கருபிச்சி colai karupicci, கருவளிச்சி karuvalichchi, காட்டுப் புளசை kattu-p-pulacai Names further compiled / updated at . Distribution: tropical Asia to n Australia . Habit– Trees up to 5 m tall. Branches and Branchlets– Young branchlets flat, pubescent. Leaves– Leaves simple with opposite, decussate, unequal pairs; stipules small, oblong, pubescent, caducous; petiole 0.2-1.8 cm long, terete, swollen at both ends, pubescent; lamina 5.5-14 x 2-6 cm, narrow elliptic-rhombic to oblanceolate, apex caudate, base acute sometimes rounded to retuse, margin irregularly sinuate-dentate, subcoriaceous, resinous yellow glandular and glabrous beneath; midrib raised above; secondary nerves 5-10 pairs; tertiary nerves obliquely percurrent. Inflorescence / Flower– Flowers in slender terminal and axillary racemes, pubescent. Fruit and Seed– Capsule 3-lobed, yellow pellucid punctate with many short stout echinate processes; seeds 3. Understorey trees in evergreen forests between 350 and 1800 m. Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry) .. Date / Time: 27 FEB 11 at 11:17 AM … Altitude: about 2473 ft asl Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. … (family: Euphorbiaceae) mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary sten-AN-thus — narrow flowers … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: narrow-flowered mallotus • Tamil: கருவாளிச்சீ karuvalichchi Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) Reference: Biotik Many thanks to … for the ID. Looks like Croton sp. (Euphorbiaceae family). Croton for sure can it be Croton verreauxii? This species look like Cleidion belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae Croton verreauxii is an australian species! It may not be Cleidion because the flowers of the plant in the picture has more than 9 stamens (in Cleidion stamens are limited between 2-9). I agree with … id. It seems to be Mallotus sp. (male flowers) Yes, these are male flowers of Mallotus, most probably aureopunctatus or stenanthus . Names of Plants in India :: Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg: mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary sten-AN-thus — narrow flowers … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: narrow-flowered mallotus • Tamil: கருவாளிச்சீ karuvalichchi botanical names: Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. … synonyms: no synonym known … Biotik ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photographed at Matheran on 27 FEB 11 mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: resinous kamala • Malayalam: കരുവാളിച്ചി karuvaalichi • Tamil: சோலை கருபிச்சி colai karupicci, கருவளிச்சி karuvalichchi, காட்டுப் புளசை kattu-p-pulacai botanical names: Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. … homotypic synonyms: Adelia resinosa Blanco … heterotypic synonyms: Mallotus aureopunctatus (Dalzell) Müll.Arg. • Mallotus beddomei Hook.f. • Mallotus lawii Müll.Arg. • Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. … and many more at POWO Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ written and spoken widely, in most parts of India resinous kamala
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala കരുവാളിച്ചി karuvaalichi
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu சோலை கருபிச்சி colai karupicci, கருவளிச்சி karuvalichchi, காட்டுப் புளசை kattu-p-pulacai
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ *Andaman & Nicobar islands, *Andhra Pradesh, *Goa, *Karnataka, Kerala, *Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu
* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state ~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at Both Malayalam and English spellings are correct, Mallotus stenanthus : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author. here are a few pics of Mallotus stenanthus seen at Matheran. Fruits have sparse short conical spines. Please correct me if this is not the correct id. This small tree was spotted en-route Mahabaleshwar in Dhavalya ghat.. Date/Time: 27-12-2013/ 12:20PM Habitat: Wild Plant habit: Tree It could be Mallotus stenanthus Wow, Wonderful. Yes it could be Mallotus stenanthus. Photos not very clear. But the nomenclature will be : Mallotus resinosus var. stenanthus (Müll.Arg.) Susila& N.P.Balakr. in N.P. Balakr. & Chakrab., Fam. Euphorb. India 151. 2007. Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. in Linnaea 34: 191. 1865 & in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 992. 1866; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 437. 1887. Shrubs or small trees, 3 – 8 m tall. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Thanks … for additional inputs.. I have few more pics taken on the same route which i am sharing.. Yes, the same plant as per my knowledge goes. . Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Mallotus resinosus at Matheran :: DV49 : 5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. … popular synonym: Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. Not sure if M. resinosus and M. stenanthus are distinct species; The Plants List version 1 considers them synonymous with full confidence. at Matheran on 27 FEB 11 at Matheran on 08 DEC 12 The golden yellow dots on underside of leaf are found in this species too; had read somewhere – it is characteristic of M. aureopunctatus. Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. var. stenanthus (Müll.Arg.) Susila& N.P.Balakr. in N.P. Balakr. & Chakrab., Fam. Euphorb. India 151. 2007. Mallotus stenanthus Müll.Arg. in Linnaea 34: 191. 1865 & in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 992. 1866; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 437. 1887. Thank you very much … for the validation. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight :: Mallotus for ID :: MK003 : Attachments (9). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please help me to identify this small tree. Could this be Mallotus resinosus? Leaf: c.15 cm long Fruit: 0.8 cm across (with blunt spines) Date: 02 Oct 2013 Place: Vellimalai RF, Theni dist., TN Alt.: 700 m asl Habitat: semi-evergreen forest …, yes I believe so. … Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. var. stenanthus (Müll.Arg.) Susila & N.P.Balakr. Yana Rocks Uttara Kannada, Karnataka … about 1000 ft asl Date / Time: 15 DEC 12 at 02:38 PM … Altitude: about 1141 ft asl Mallotus aureopunctatus (Dalz.) Müll.Arg … (family: Euphorbiaceae) mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary Thank you, … for such clear documentation of this uncommon plant, Merged with Mallotus resinosus as per the following: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY* & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). Thanks, …, for the publication and pointing out. Thank you very much … Will make the changes by today itself in my flickr notes. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Mallotus aureopunctatus at Yana Rocks :: DV47 : 4 images. 9 posts by 5 authors. 100 percent correct identification. May I request both of you to elaborate on the features by which you came to clinch the ID? … taken help of … comment in … post ID25022012PHK1 regarding difference in fruits.
Hundred percent correct. Merged with Mallotus resinosus as per the following: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY* & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). Thanks, …, for the publication and pointing out. Thank you very much … Will make the changes by today itself in my flickr notes. Euphorbiaceae fortnight ::Mallotus aureo-punctatus at Yana (karnataka) :: PKA13::: : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors. I think it is correct identification. Merged with Mallotus resinosus as per the following: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY* & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). Thanks, …, for the publication and pointing out. All these are Mallotus resinosus please. ANMAY32/40 Euphorbiaceae for identification (1) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (13) Family: Euphorbiaceae This is identified to be another endemic species, Mallotus beddomei. Merged with Mallotus resinosus as per the following: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY* & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). Thanks, …, for the publication and pointing out. ANJUL05 Euphorbiaceae shrub for identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (12) Family: Euphorbiaceae Superb presentation, … Mallotus beddomei Hook.f. Merged with Mallotus resinosus as per the following: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India TAPAS CHAKRABARTY* & GOPAL KRISHNA Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). Thanks, …, for the publication and pointing out. Thank you … for the correction Request for ID – 261010RA1 : Attachments (9). 15 posts by 5 authors. Request ID of this small tree seen flowering at Matheran, Mah. last weekend (26.10.10). Thankyou. Would be nice to get the ID of the Snake Id too, was told it was poisonous! The snake is a Bamboo Pit Viper [Trimeresurus gramineus]. It venom is toxic but not potentially lethal for humans. Loved the Viper pics. …, I think we should altogether discourage people by saying that yes this is poisonous and people should stay away from it thought it is not so deadly poisonous. But another fact is, many people die of shock than of venom!!! I remember one of my marathi friend (not in eflora) saw this beautiful snake, caught it and brought it back to home in his backpack TO TAKE PICTURES….. And then he called me up to ask that he found a beautiful snake and I was shocked to see the pictures. I could only shout at him on phone…. In another incident, one of our members, …, one Saw Scale Viper jumped on him at Dehradun. Vipers usually attacked very badly so we should avoid it altogether. This concern not only comes as a being part of this group but also from being part of Wildlife Institute of India. Thanks for your comments and your stated concerns. I think you have overlooked the fact that I am a doctor. This being a scientific forum, have only stated the obvious. By no stretch of imagination can my observations be construed as encouraging people to handle mildly venomous or even any snake for that matter. 🙂 I again forgot that you are a doctor, sorry for that. My intention of saying this was due to following line of yours, “It venom is toxic but not potentially lethal for humans”. This could be a Litsea species possibly Litsea deccanensis. Thanks a lot for the lead … Seems to match. But a doubt due to the description as per Dr. Almeida’s flora wherein in the species L. deccanensis key is mentioned as “Perianth segments inconspicuous or absent.” I am not sure, but perianth segment are seen here right? the plant is either Croton or Mallotus sp. opposite leaves are unequal, a feature of these genera. Doesn’t look like Euphorbiaceae to me at all. what ever flowers visible are male flowers. look like Croton flower. I think … is right. Seems to be some member of Tiliaceae. Thank you … It should be most probably a Croton species. In the floras I checked, the matching Mallotus sp. is mentioned as having 50 or more stamens. This plant has around 15 to 20 stamens. … this could be most probably Mallotus stenanthus OR lesser: M. aureopunctatus. Mallotus stenanthus This is either Mallotus atrovirens or M. aureo-punctatus. Female flowers or fruits are required for confirmation =Mallotus resinosus. ID25022012PHK1 : Attachments (4). 8 posts by 5 authors. Id Please … interesting plant, … Thanks for showing. It may be Mallotus stenanthus of Euphorbiaceae. The identification is correct. It is Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. var. stenanthus (Mull.Arg.) Susila & N.P.Balakr. To me it looks like Mallotus aureo punctatus because of the longer slender spines on the fruit. I thought that M. stenanthus had shorter and sparser conical spines. It is not Mallotus aureo-punctatus. Hence, it could be a new species. I hope that the photographer has collected specimens of the same for further studies. = Malltus resinosus. Pl. identify following plant. – This is an oak species, may be Quercus leucotrichophora. – This cant be any Quercus. Those fruits are too different and not an ACORN!! Mallotus resinosus, Thanks, …, for id as Mallotus resinosus . Fwd: Mallotus aureopunctatus and M. beddomei (Euphorbiaceae) are now synonyms of M. resinosus : 3 posts by 1 author. There are images of Mallotus aureopunctatus as well as M. beddomei in eFI website. So. I am attaching herewith a publication in which these two species have been merged under M. resinosus. Thanks a lot, … I will merge them. Thank you very very much …, for this important notification, and for providing the related document. I will correct my notes too. Thank you so much for your immediate action. I would like to know whether Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. var. stenanthus (Müll.Arg.) Susila & N.P.Balakr…. is also treated as a synonym of Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. OR is it considered as a distinct taxa. Sorry for my naivety. I did read through your paper, but I could not make out technically whether synonym or distinct. Please look at the synonymy. M. stenanthus is included as a synonym. OK, thank you very very much, … . Names of Plants in India :: Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image.
. Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV213: 4 images. Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 4:42 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Mallotus resinosus (Blanco) Merr. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV225: 6 images. . References: Typification of Adelia resinosa, the basionym of Mallotus resinosus (Euphorbiaceae), and its three new synonyms from India- TAPAS CHAKRABARTY & GOPAL KRISHNA- Phytotaxa 446 (2): 121–127 2020 (Abstract- The species Mallotus aureopunctatus, M. beddomei and M. lawii are merged under the variable and widespread M. resinosus. A second-step neotype is designated for the name Adelia resinosa while lectotypes are designated for M. beddomei and Rottlera aureopunctata). The Plant List Ver. 1.1 Biotik Western Ghats Portal Forest trees of South India Forest flora of Goa The Plant List Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Pilikula Nisarga Dhama India Biodiversity Portal TheMallotus Trees of Andhra Pradesh, India – Google Books Mallotus resinosus . References (Mallotus aureopunctatus (Dalzell) Müll.Arg.): The Plant List Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India Talbot Trees Bombay Flora of the Presidency of Bombay Biotik References (Mallotus beddomei Hook.f.): The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP Flora of Karnataka India Biodiversity Portal Biotik Kerala plants Plant illustrations |
Mallotus resinosus
Updated on December 24, 2024