Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 42: 245 1873. (Syn: Mallotus albus var. occidentalis Hook.f.; Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg.; Rottlera ferruginea Roxb.; Rottlera tetracocca Roxb.);
Indian Subcontinent to China (SE. Yunnan) as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; India; Myanmar; Sri Lanka; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life;
mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary
fer-oo-GIN-ee-us or fer-oo-JIN-ee-us — rust-colored … Dave’s Botanary 

commonly known as: rusty kamala • Assamese: লাৰুবন্ধা laru-bandha, মৰলীয়া moroliya • Bengali: মারলেয়া marleya, পেঠালি pethali • Bodo (or Boro): lai-dolorJaati • Kachari: laima-guphu • Kannada: ಕುಕ್ಕುಟ kukkuta, ತಂಬಿಟ್ಟು thambittu, ಉಪ್ಪಾಲ uppaala • Karbi: lutung-har-arong • Khasi: dieng-paklia, dieng-tha-rong • Kokborok (or Tripuri): khurchup • Konkani: चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri • Kuki: napol-thing • Malayalam: ആടുകണ്ണി aadukanni, വട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil • Marathi: चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri • Naga: teng-num-ching • Nepali: जोगी मालता jogi-malata, कस्रे मालता kasre-malata • Tamil: முள்ளு பொலவு mullu polavu
Names further compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.mallotus-tetracoccus.html

Could someone identify the tree please?
Date & Time 1/12/2010
Location: Place, Altitude, GPS  Chethalayam, Wayanad.
Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type:      Wild
Plant Habit: Tree, Shrub, Climber, Herb Tree
Height, Length. 12’

– The inflorescence suggests that this could most probably be a species of Mallottus. Since it is from Waynad, I think this could be Mallotus tetracoccus. Please refer the following links

– I think this represents Mallotus tetracoccus

FOR ID———-:

it seems to me as Mallotus tetracoccus

I too think this is Mallotus tetracoccus (Euphorbiaceae)

Even i feel that it is Mallotus,

This is without any doubt Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus tetracoccus?? -14022014- PKA-Feb 44 :  Attachments (5). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Tree around 15m in height seen near Village Mahal in Chikmagalur rigion (Karnataka).
I think this one is Mallotus tetracoccus??
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date/Time: 27-01-2014 / 10:00AM
habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Tree

It seems to be Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz.


ANSEPT67 Please identify (1) Mallotus sp.? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).

Abbey Falls, Madikeri, Coorg
August 2014

Mallotus tetracoccus?

The current name is Mallotus ferrugineus.


Requesting id: (mixed thread): 4 correct images as above.
please find attached photos of a flowering tree near Jog Falls, Shimoga district, Karnataka

… looks like Mallotus philippensis … the inflorescence seems extraordinarily long … my guess may be wrong.

This is Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz of Euphorbiaceae family.
In M. tetracoccus the leaves are broadly ovate accuminate, peltate brown fulvous stellate-tomentose beneath.

Please take a look at this portal.. (most of you perhaps know it already) …they have a nice set of pictures… I have two questions:
FIRST THE BARK CUT.. i see this often… what is it and why do it? does it harm the tree. do the botanists get prior permission to do this?
SECOND question… what is the brown round stufff on the surface of the leaves that the site calls tomentose… ????

ID-TSP-17NOV2015-1:Specimen for ID assistance. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Kindly identify the specimen. 

Leaves peltate, young shoots rusty-brown and tomentose.. 

Could it be Mallotus tetracoccus (Euphorbiaceae)….?? 

Habit: Tree  

Habitat: Wild, Moist deciduous forest 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl. 

Date: 03-11-2014 and 13-01-2015

Yes, this is Mallotus tetracoccus based on Rottlera tetracocca Roxb. (1832). It is same as Mallotus ferrugineus, based on Rottlera ferruginea Roxb. (1832).  The date of publication is same for both.  However, Miquel (1860) was the first to unite the two species and he selected the name Rottlera ferruginea Roxb. for the combined species. Hence we have to honour his decision and call it Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Mull.Arg. instead of Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz.

ID-TSP-17NOV2015-2: Specimen for ID assistance. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly identify the specimen.

Could it be a Mallotus sp…….??? 

Habit: Medium sized tree 

Habitat: Wild, Moist deciduous forest fringe. 

Sighting: Devarunda, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl 

Date: 12-12-2014

Yes …, Male inflorescences of Mallotus ferrugineus. The numerous stamens confirms the identity.


MS Oct.2016/40 Mallotus tetracoccus ? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Location : Lengpui, Mizoram
Altitude : c. 400 m.
Date : 19-08-2014
Habit : Small to middle sized tree
Habitat : Wild

Sharp images. The accepted name is Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg.

Charmadi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 12 NOV 2016 … Altitude: explored between: 873 – 976 m (2863 – 3201 ft) asl
Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz  (family: Euphorbiaceae)

Thanks …, The accepted name is Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Mull.Arg.
Local names:
Asm.:  Lauri-bandha, Moralia;  Beng.: Marleya;  Kh.: Dieng-paklia, Dieng-tha-rong;  Mal.: Adukanni, Vattakumbil; Naga: Teng-num-ching;  Nep.: Jogi-malata, Kasre-malata;  Tam.: Mullu-polavu.

Thank you very much … for the local names and accepted name.
It is otherwise at The Plants List and WCSP.
Please guide.

I am simply following our own observations, as follows:
Rottlera tetracocca Roxb. (1832) is same as R. ferruginea Roxb. (1832) and Miquel (in 1860) was the first person to unite these two species and he selected the name Rottlera  ferrunigea Roxb. [now Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Mull.Arg.] as the name for the combined species and therefore this is the correct name to be adopted.

Thanks …; I am going with our observations; revised my notes at flickr.

Mallotus sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).

Location : Sihhmui, Mizoram
Habit : Small to medium sized tree
Habitat : Growing wild

Date : 31-07-2014

Our key as given in Flora of India volume 23 leads on to Mallotus leucocarpus, so far known to occur in Meghalaya and Myanmar.

It is represented only by a few collections in Meghalaya. It is a new record for Mizoram. If any herbarium specimen is collected, then a nice paper may be written on this rare species

Images look similar to those of Mallotus roxburghianus posted by … from Assam.
May I request you to pl. have a look pl. 

Not similar with Mallotus roxburghianus

To me it seems to be Mallotus roxburghianus.

The leaves in Mallotus roxburghianus are clearly peltate at base which is not the case here. This is M. ferrugineus instead.


Attaching an image of Mallotus roxburghianus. I find it to be very common at this place.
Ref. Trees, Shrubs and Large Climbers found in the Darjeelig District, West Bengal and Sikkim

It is not matching with illustration at appears close to images at Mallotus tetracoccus

This is also not M. roxburghianus, nor M. leucocarpus as I thought earlier. . Looks like the common M. ferrugineus.

Thank you … I will amend.

SYMBIOSIS : 396 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Chestnut-tailed Starling on the fruits of Mallotus roxburghianus.

It is not matching with illustration at
It appears close to images at Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus ferrugineus

SYMBIOSIS : 397 :  Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Red vented Bulbul on the fruits of Mallotus roxburghianus.

It is not matching with illustration at
It appears close to images at Mallotus tetracoccus

This is not Mallotus roxburghianus which has clearly peltate leaves. Image of the type material of M. lroxburghianus is available at the following link.

Thank you … for correcting me. I will amend.


Please help me with the name marleya of Mallotus ferrugineus, in Bangla script.

Given below is the spelling but I do know the meaning of the same. মার্লেয়া 

Thanks very very much … for this help.
The Assamese name for this species মৰলীয়া morolia – is quite close-sounding; may be of some help in validating the Bangla name.
Reference: XOBDO.


Names of Mallotus ferrugineus listed in Botanical Survey of India are jogi-malata, kasre-malata
Please validate whether जोगि मलाता and खस्त्रे मलाता are written correctly, else please help with valid name(s).

Thank you fir your mail. Did nit find any entryon Nepali names.
However, as per BSofI the correct names in Nepali would be जोगी मालता And कस्रे मालता.


via Species‎ > ‎M‎ > Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg. … family: Euphorbiaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary
fer-oo-GIN-ee-us or fer-oo-JIN-ee-us — rust-colored … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asrusty kamala • Assameseমৰলীয়া moralia • Kannadaಕುಕ್ಕುಟಿ kukkutiಉಪ್ಪಾಲೆ ಮರ uppale mara • Khasidieng-pakliadieng-tha-rong • Malayalamവട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil • Nagateng-num-ching • Nepaliजोगी मालता jogi-malataकस्रे मालता kasre-malata • Tamilமுள்ளுப்பொலவு mullu-p-polavu 
botanical namesMallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg. … synonymsMallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz • Rottlera ferruginea Roxb. • Rottlera tetracoccaRoxb. … efloraofindia
November 12, 2016 … along Charmadi Ghat 

Superb presentation.

mal-LOH-tus — fleecy, referring to the seed capsule … Dave’s Botanary

tet-ra-KO-kus — Greek: tetra (four); coccos (locular); referring to four-chambered fruit … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: rusty kamala • Assamese: লাৰুবন্ধা laru-bandha, মৰলীয়া moroliya • Bengali: মারলেয়া marleya, পেঠালি pethali • Bodo (or Boro): lai-dolorJaati • Kachari: laima-guphu • Kannada: ಕುಕ್ಕುಟ kukkuta, ತಂಬಿಟ್ಟು thambittu, ಉಪ್ಪಾಲ uppaala • Karbi: lutung-har-arong • Khasi: dieng-paklia, dieng-tha-rong • Kokborok (or Tripuri): khurchup • Konkani: चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri • Kuki: napol-thing • Malayalam: ആടുകണ്ണി aadukanni, വട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil • Marathi: चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri • Naga: teng-num-ching • Nepali: जोगी मालता jogi-malata, कस्रे मालता kasre-malata • Tamil: முள்ளு பொலவு mullu polavu

botanical namesMallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz … homotypic synonymsRottlera tetracocca Roxb. … heterotypic synonymsMallotus albus var. occidentalis Hook.f. • Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg. • Rottlera ferruginea Roxb. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
rusty kamala
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya
লাৰুবন্ধা laru-bandha
  • ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
মৰলীয়া moroliya
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand
মারলেয়া marleya
  • Many thanks to Tapas Kumar Paul for help with this name … facebook
  • FLORA OF INDIA VOL. 23 Loranthaceae-Daphniphyllaceae : Edited by N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan and P. Singh
পেঠালি pethali
~~~~~ BODO (or BORO) ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari or Latin … spoken in: Assam
~~~~~ KACHARI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali-Assamese, Devanagari, Latin … spoken in: Assam, Nagaland … other names for this language: Plains Kachari (Boro or Bara) and Hill Kachari (Dimasa)
  • ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಕುಕ್ಕುಟ kukkuta, ತಂಬಿಟ್ಟು thambittu, ಉಪ್ಪಾಲ uppaala
  • for Mallotus albus var. occidentalis Hook.f. … Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna
  • Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
~~~~~ KARBI (also known as Mikir or Arleng) ~~~~~
written in: Roman … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland
  • ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~
written in: Latin (Khasi alphabet), Bengali-Assamese … spoken in: Meghalaya, Assam
dieng-paklia, dieng-tha-rong
  • for Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg. … Botanical Survey of India
  • or dieng-laklia … ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ KOKBOROK (or TRIPURI) ~~~~~
written in: Roman, Bengali … spoken in: Tripura … other names for this language: Kokbarak, Tippera, Trippera
  • ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: DevanagariKannada, Malayalam, Urdu, Roman … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala
चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri
  • name borrowed from Marathi coined-name, for want of name; चौपुडी chaupudi = having four compartments, based on the specific epithet tetracoccus; शेंदरी shendri = name given to the monkey-face tree, Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll.Arg.
  • Many thanks to Nitin Kawthankar (in facebook) for validating this coined-name for Konkani
~~~~~ KUKI ~~~~~
written in: Roman … spoken in: Manipur, Assam, Nagaland … other names for this language:Thado, Thado-Pao, Thado-Ubiphei, Thaadou Kuki
  • ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala
ആടുകണ്ണി aadukanni
വട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil
  • Many thanks to Sam Kuzhalanattu for help with this name … efloraofindia
  • വിക്കിപീഡിയ – സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
  • BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
  • FLORA OF INDIA VOL. 23 Loranthaceae-Daphniphyllaceae : Edited by N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan and P. Singh
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
चौपुडी शेंदरी chaupudi shendri
  • name coined, for want of name; चौपुडी chaupudi = having four compartments, based on the specific epithet tetracoccus; शेंदरी shendri = name given to the monkey-face tree, Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll.Arg.
~~~~~ NAGA ~~~~~
written in: Roman … spoken in: Nagaland … the Naga languages are a geographic and ethnic grouping of languages, spoken mostly by Naga peoples
  • for Mallotus ferrugineus (Roxb.) Müll.Arg. … Botanical Survey of India
  • or teng-niam-ching … ** for Mallotus albus Muell.-Arg. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, R N De, A Das
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: West BengalAssamSikkim
जोगी मालता jogi-malata, कस्रे मालता kasre-malata
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu
முள்ளு பொலவு mullu polavu
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, West Bengal
** Mallotus albus sensu Muell.-Arg. in Kanjilal et al (1940) is wrongly applied to Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz … Chakrabarty, Tapas & Balakrishnan, N.. (2007). Miscellaneous notes on some species of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) of India and Myanmar. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany. 31. 867-871.
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada names and their transliteration are correct.


Please validate whether the name mullu polavu for Mallotus ferrugineus, is correctly written as முள்ளுப்பொலவு.

Yes, it is correct!

Fwd: OBSERVATION ON A MALLOTUS SPECIES : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
One particular Mallotus species is quite common at Cooch Behar. I am not sure whether it is Mallotus roxburghianus or Mallotus paniculatus. As the fruits are ripe now I wanted to see what are the bird species visit this tree for the fruits. A surprise was waiting for me. I found that Cantao ocellatus bug (known as JEWEL BUG/ SHIELD-BACKED- BUG) breeds on this plant. I recorded this insect in large congregation on this plant. Literature says in India recorded host plant for this insect are Kigelia pinnata and Macaranga peltata. But in Singapore the host plant is Mallotus paniculatus.
Attaching a collage of this observation. Can anybody tell me the identity of this Mallotus species?

It is not possible to name the species with this collage as most characters of the leaves and their arrangement and closer details of fruits are not available.

If … posts individual images, it may be helpful.

If … can send individual images, okay otherwise I will try with the second collage.

I think this is Mallotus ferrugineus. Please compare under eFI site where the species has been shelved off under a synonym, M. tetracoccus posted by …

Seven individual images are attached. May help.
Have a good day.
Attachments (7)

I initially thought of Mallotus nepalensis but here the inflorescences are paniculate pointing to M. ferruginous.

Tree for id -24122018SH3 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – around 750 kb each.
Tree for id pl.
Location – Wayanad ( Kerala)
Date – November. 2018

This is Mallotus.

To me appears close to images at Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz as per comparative images at Mallotus


Tree for ID (Euphorbiaceae) : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1 + 1).

Habit : Small to middle-sized tree.
Habitat : Grows wild in the forests..

Location : Nghalchawm, Mizoram
Date : 12-06-2014

Yes, Mallotus. I have downloaded it. Will find out the id at leisure.

Please compare it with Mallotus nepalensis.

Is it Mallotus paniculatus var. paniculatus ?

I do not know.

Please check if it is Mallotus tetracoccus!

No, not M. tetracoccus.

Perhaps this key based on Fl. of China and Flora of Thailand should help

Female inflorescence unbranched, fruit densely softly spiny, 15 mm across ……… M. nepalensis
Female inflorescence branched, fruit 10 mm across ……. 2
Fruit 3-locular, with few (ca 30) 4-5 mm long spines; leaf base cuneate, broadest  in portion from lower third to middle, basal glands 2, basal veins 3-5 …… M. paniculata
Fruit 4-locular (commonly), with numerous (ca 100) short less than 3 mm long  spines; leaf base rounded or truncate, broadest below lower third, basal glands 2-4, basal veins 3 ….. M. tetracoccus
May be … has better key from his book.

Fruiting specimens will reveal the true identity. Till then I call it Mallotus nepalensis var. nepalensis.

I think this is Mallotus tetracoccus.

Mallotus ferrugineus (syn. M. tetracoccus) has pyramidal-paniculate inflorescences which the present sample is lacking. It is not possible for me to resolve the problem or question unless I see the fruiting material.

To me appears close to images and details at Mallotus tetracoccus
Both WCSP & Catalogue of Life give Mallotus ferrugineus as its synonym.

This is typical Mallotus tetracoccus.


MS,June,2021/09 Mallotus sp. for id.: 1 image.
Location: Nghalchawm, Mizoram

Date : 12-06-2014
Habit : Small or medium-sized tree
Habitat : Wild

It has already been identified at Tree for ID (Euphorbiaceae) as Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz

SYMBIOSIS : 1317 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Common Myna feeding on fruits of Mallotus tetracocccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1318 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Red Vented Bulbul feeding on the fruits of Mallotus tetracoccus.

bulbuli of south 24 paraganas too

Pycnonotus cafer !

your bird pictures always remind me of needing to carry a telephoto lens. need to find a light weight one with physical and digital zoom. my prosumer one has become erratic, so not taking it with me nowadays and my nikon with a 300 mm is too heavy now for me to carry with everything else and a purse, water etc !!!
so i do armchair bird watching, including your pictures.
thank you for showing them

SYMBIOSIS : 1335 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Red spot Jezebel visiting flowers of Mellotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS 1336 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Common Jezebel visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1341 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Common Emigrant visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1342 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Red base Jezebel visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1344 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Striped Albatross (female) visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1345 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Common Crow visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus


SYMBIOSIS : 1357 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Gram Blue butterfly visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracocus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1358 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Slate Flash visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1359 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Grey Pansy butterfly visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

nice. eyi mallotus gachh koto boro hoy. are apnar kachhe habit photo thakle dekhaben, please?

Attaching few images of the plant.
Attachments (4)

I asked … if he would be kind  enough to share habit pictures of Mellotus tetracoccus and here they are. I thank him for his cooperative nature.
I appreciate it very much

SYMBIOSIS : 1374 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Hornet visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus


SYMBIOSIS : 1375 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Carpenter bee visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus.

SYMBIOSIS : 1377 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Lime Blue butterfly visiting flowers of Amaranthus spinosus.

Mallotus tetracoccus :: Virajpet, Coorg :: 10 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images,
… at a resort  in Virajpet, Coorg
Date: November 10, 2019 … Altitude: about 910 m (3000 ft) a
Mallotus tetracoccus  (Roxb.) Kurz

Mallotus tetracoccus :: Banasura Sagar Dam, Wayanad :: 15 NOV 19 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Banasura Sagar Dam  Wayanad
Date: November 15, 2019 … Altitude: about 980 m (3,200 ft) asl
Mallotus tetracoccus  (Roxb.) Kurz

Fwd: White fruit : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
I am yet to know the name of this species.
Location Ratabari Karimganj Assam
Kindly help me to know the name

Resembles Euphorbiaceae, Mallotus sp.,

Thank you Sir. I agree with … Is it Mallotus paniculatus ?

I think more closer to Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz rather than Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll.Arg. as per comparative images at Mallotus

You are right …, Mallotus tertacocus.


SYMBIOSIS : 1456 : 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Hornet visiting flowers of Malotus tetracoccus.


SYMBIOSIS : 1457 : 1 image.
Attaching a collage of Potter Wasp visiting flowers of Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus sp.(Euphorbiaceae) ? for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Location : Lengpui, Mizoram
Altitude : c. 400 m.
Date : 19-08-2014

Habit : Small to medium-sized tree
Note : Growing wild. Flowers scented. Leaves leathery.

Mallotus philippinensisKamila, Kamal, Kampillak. Red poder on the mature fruits is used for eradication of round worms.

In first appearance, this looks like Mallotus tetracoccus

Mallotus tetracoccus


204 ID wild plant: 18 images.

Please ID wild plamt,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 22.07.2021, 02.35pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: tree, erect branches, soft wood but no heart-wood, velvety brownish young stem, long lasting
Height: 08 meters
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, velvety, greenish brown, size:25×15cm or less
Flower: pyramidal racemose, clustered, diameter:03.5mm, yellow, good fragrance
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Mallotus tetracoccus? Sharing more images

Yes, it appears close to images at Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz

Thank you very much dear …, for the ID confirmation of my plant,

I agree with …


Regarding Identification of the Species. from Nagaland University, Lumami, Zünheboto District.: 6 images.

Mallotus sp.

Pl. check

Appears close to images at


Malayalam names of Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz:

Please help with the following Malayalam names of Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz in Malayalam script
adukanni, perakela, porivatta, pottamaram, thavittuvatta
I hope you have some Malayalam resource book to find the native names of Mallotus tetracoccus
Reference: Digital Flora of Peninsular India by Herbarium JCB
വട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil
Please revise the English spelling as per the Malayalam name found in Wikipedia.

adukanni – ആടുകണ്ണി
perakela – പെരകില
porivatta – പൊരിവട്ട
pottamaram – പൊട്ടമരം
thavittuvatta – തവിട്ടുവട്ട
വട്ടക്കുമ്പിൾ vattakkumpil is correct.

I assume that the English spellings in the following list are correct, and will not need any revisions.
adukanni – ആടുകണ്ണി
perakela – പെരകില
porivatta – പൊരിവട്ട
pottamaram – പൊട്ടമരം
thavittuvatta – തവിട്ടുവട്ട

Yes, English spellings are correct.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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