Malus sikkimensis

Malus sikkimensis (Wenz.) Koehne, Gatt. Pomac.: 27 (1890) (syn: Malus baccata subsp. sikkimensis (Wenz.) Likhonos, Pyrus pashia var. sikkimensis Wenz., Pyrus sikkimensis (Wenz.) Hook.f., Sinomalus sikkimensis (Wenz.) Rushforth);
Nepal to S. Central China and Myanmar: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO;

Request for Plant Identification: 4 very high res. images.
I am …, a PhD Scholar of Tezpur University. I am working on documentation of wild edible plants of Arunachal Pradesh. I have already collected and documented around 70 different plant species of Arunachal Pradesh. Therefore, I would like to request to you verify and authenticate my plant species and provide me with the ID. Thanking you.
Please find the attachment.
Plant name : Malus sp. ??
Location: West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh

Seems to be Malus spp……..Crab apple. More details are required for identification

Prunus. Cherry !

I would agree with … Leaves and blossoms match with Crabapple. Fruit seems to be too glossy and shiny, but there may be some types like that.

Pyrus pashia…. Mehal…

Pyrus pashia is different as per images herein.

Is it wild?




POWO  Catalogue of Life   GBIF (High resolution specimens) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  PFAF  Wikimedia Commons  Trees and Shrubs Online

Updated on December 23, 2024

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