Malva subovata (DC.) Molero & J. M. Monts., Fontqueria 55: 288 2005. (syn: Althaea africana (Cav.) Borbas; Althaea maritima (Gouan) Kuntze; Axolopha maritima (Gouan) Alef.; Axolopha wigandii Alef.; Lavatera africana Cav.; Lavatera bicolor Rouy; Lavatera gallica Hort. Par. ex Nyman; Lavatera hispanica Mill.; Lavatera maritima Gouan; Lavatera maritima subsp. bicolor Rouy; Lavatera maritima var. purpurea Maire & Wilczek; Lavatera maritima subsp. rupestris (Pomel) Greuter & Burdet; Lavatera maritima var. rupestris (Pomel) Maire; Lavatera rotundifolia Lam.; Lavatera rupestris Pomel; Lavatera subovata DC.; Lavatera triloba Gouan; Malva africana (Cav.) Soldano, Banfi & Galasso; Malva africana subsp. bicolor (Rouy) Soldano, Banfi & Galasso; Malva subovata subsp. bicolor (Rouy) Iamonico; Malva subovata subsp. rupestris (Pomel) Molero & J. M. Monts.; Malva wigandii (Alef.) M. F. Ray; Malva wigandii f. bicolor (Rouy) B. Bock; Olbia canescens Moench);
. W. & Central Medit.: Algeria, Baleares, Corse, France, Italy, Morocco, Sardegna, Spain, Tunisia as per POWO; .
Malvaceae Fortnight: Malva wigandii from California-GSJULY35/35 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Malva wigandii (Alef.) M. F. Ray, Novon 8:293. 1998 Small shrub up to 1.2 m tall; leaves suborbicular to reniform, obtusely 5-angled or lobed, about 5 cm long and broad; fls 1-2, axillary, epicalyx 6 mm long, nearly free; petals white or pink with purple base, 2-3 cm long; mericarps 9-13, strongly ridged.
Commonly planted in California in private houses and gardens.
According to Both POWO and World Flora online correct name of the species is Malva obovata (DC.) Molero & J.M. Monts. (syn: M. wigandii (Alef.) M. F. Ray; Lavatera maritima Gouan) .
Malvaceae Week: Malva wigandii from California: Malva wigandii (Alef.) M. F. Ray, Novon 8:293. 1998
syn: Axolopha wigandii Alef.; Lavatera maritima Gouan Small shrub up to 1.2 m tall; leaves suborbicular to reniform, obtusely 5-angled or lobed, about 5 cm long and broad; fls 1-2, axillary, epicalyx 6 mm long, nearly free; petals white or pink with purple base, 2-3 cm long;
mericarps 9-13, strongly ridged. Commonly planted in California in private houses and gardens.
. Malvaceae fortnight :: Lavatera maritima : SMP11 : 1 post by 1 author. Malva wigandii Syn: Lavatera maritima
California . References:
Malva subovata (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024