Mammea suriga

Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm., Commun. Forest Res. Inst. 72:33. 1961(syn: (≡) Calophyllum suriga Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. (basionym); (=) Calysaccion longifolium Wight; (=) Mammea longifolia (Wight) Planch. & Triana);
surangi • Hindi: सुरंगी surangi • Kannada: ಸುರಿಗೆ surige, ಸುರುಗಿ surugi • Konkani: सुरांगन surangan • Marathi: रानउंडी raanundi, सुरंगी surangi • Mizo: suklong • Oriya: churiana • Telugu: సురపొన్న suraponna;
MAM-ee-uh — from the West Indian vernacular name mammey
¿ su-REE-gah ? — most likely, from Kanarese name of the plant, surige
Endemic to: Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats of India, ¿ n-e India ?
Edible use: … ripe fruit (as FRUIT) , eaten fresh … Pilikula Nisarga Dhama
It has very nice fragrance and I think the necter too. When gajaras of surangi are kept for sale we can see plenty of honey bees hovering around. Dryed flowers are kept in saree to get the fragrance.

Habit- Trees up to 15 m tall.

Trunk & Bark- Bark brown, regularly scaly; blaze red.
Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets terete, glabrous; apical bud usually covered by 4-6 imbricate ovate scales.
Exudates- Latex yellowish cream.
Leaves- Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 0.5-1.0 cm long, canaliculate, glabrous; lamina 10-23 x 4-7.5 cm, oblong, narrow-oblong to narrow obovate, apex obtuse or bluntly short acuminate, base obtuse, thickly coriaceous; midrib indistinct at apex; secondary nerves many, parallel, perpendicular to midrib; tertiary nerves finely reticulate with tiny transparent glands at the centre of areoles, sometimes invisible due to thick cuticle.
Inflorescence / Flower- Flowers polygamous, white, clustered on old branches with elongated pedicels.
Fruit and Seed- Berry, elliptic, beaked; 1-seeded.
In open evergreen forests up to 700 m.
Endemic to the Western Ghats- from North Malabar Coast to South Konkan Coast and in northern part of Central Sahyadri.
(Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry

Clusiaceae (garcinia family) » Mammea suriga
Synonyms: Calophyllum suriga, Ochrocarpus longifolius
MAM-ee-uh — from the West Indian vernacular name mammey
¿ su-REE-gah ? — most likely, from Kanarese name of the plant, surige

Endemic to: Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats of India, ¿ n-e India ?
Edible use:
… ripe fruit (as FRUIT) , eaten fresh … Pilikula Nisarga Dhama 


Mammea suriga:
Flowers of Mammea suriga
Marathi name: Surangi
Today at Phansad WLS,Maharashtra

– Beautiful! It has very nice fragrance and I think the necter too. When gajaras of surangi are kept for sale we can see plenty of honey bees hovering around. Dryed flowers are kept in saree to get the fragrance.


Mammea suriga: images not visible now.

Marathi name; Surangi

At Phansad WLS



Mammea suriga seeds please !!:
Will anyone be kind enough to send few Mammea suriga or Surangi seeds ? Any idea where to get them ? Pls…


05052014NVR tree for ID : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Tree found in the western ghats

This looks like Surangi [Mammea suriga].

Supporting …


Ochrocarpos longifolius : For Validation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 310714 : AK-49 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8).
For validation.
Pictures taken on 28/7/14.

Mammea suriga, (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm. <=> Surangi Tree

Ochrocarpus longifolius and Mammea suriga are same only. Now it is known as Mammea suriga

Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight: Clusiaceae :: Mammea suriga :: at Ganapatipule: -PKA-Nov-32 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Beautiful flowers of Surangi seen at  Ganapatipule near Ratnagiri.

Botanical name:

Mammea suriga




28-03-2010 /12:30 PM

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-

Ganapatipule- Ratnagiri

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-


Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-



6 m high

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-

Opposite, 10 to 20cm, oblong with short petiole (approx. 4 to 5mm), shinning

Inflorescence Type/ Size-

Photograph attached

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-

The flowers are extremely fragrant, four-petaled white flowers. The petals are wide and rounded, and there is a mass of yellow stamens at the center. (Photograph enclosed). Buds are very attractive.

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- 


Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.-  

Local name:  Surangi


Interesting uploads of Mammia suriga

sunlight plays well on the small flowers and their buds. i loved it, …


Anmod Ghat :: Mammea suriga :: DVFEB64/97 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.
Anmod Ghat NH4A descending from Anmod, Karnataka to Mollem, GoaDate: 26 MAY 2013 … Altitude: descends from about 640 m asl to 90 m asl
Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm.  (family: Calophyllaceae, Clusiaceae) 

Pretty image …, it is an endemic taxa.

Sharing some photographs of the flowers and the mosaic bark of an old branch of Mammea suriga.
Photographed on Madh Hill (North Mumbai) in March 2015.

Amazing close up of flowers.

Nice to see the Mammea suriga in wild.



Mammea suriga :: Devgad, Konkan :: March 2016 – ARKOCT09 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Saw blooming Surangi trees aplenty this March in my native place. Attaching some pics.

Attaching some photos of the flowers….these have been clicke by my friend. Attachments (5)


Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 09MAY17 : AK-10 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
A large tree seen on 30th April with tiny green fruit.

Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm. [Calophyllaceae / ex-Clusiaceae].

I have shown you this tree when flowering also

Thanks … Now I recollect. Since there were no flowers, I got confused.



Mammea suriga seeds please !! : 4 posts by 3 authors.
Will anyone be kind enough to send few Mammea suriga or Surangi seeds ? Any idea where to get them ? Pls…

Did you by any chance get Mammea Suriga seeds or plant?


Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm. :: Matheran :: May 22, 2023 · 8:53 AM IST: 3 images.
Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kosterm.
Matheran, Raigad, Maharashtra :: May 22, 2023 · 8:53 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 feet) asl



Updated on December 24, 2024