Manudev Madhavan

Here i am attaching a list of books available in my library either as hard copy or as pdf format.

  1. A monograph of the fern genus Microsorum (Polypodiaceae) M. T. M. Bosman (1991)
  2. A monograph of the fern genus Pyrrosia – P. Hovenkomp (1986)*
  3. A second century of ferns- William Jackson Hooker8
  4. An Atlas of major flowering trees in India- M. S. Swaminathan & S. L. Kochhar(2003)*
  5. Analecta Botanica- H. G. Schott
  6. Adansonia XI(1873)- D. H. Baillon
  7. Authors of Plant Names-R. K. Brummit & C. E. Povll*
  8. Beautiful flowers of Kashmir Vol. I & II- E. Blatter (1927)*
  9. Bengal Plants- David Prain*
  10. Bombay Flora- Dalz & Gibz*
  11. Botanical latin- William T. Stearn: 1998*
  12. Botanico Periodicum Huntianum*
  13. Botany for India – Fyson
  14. Botany Illustrated (2nd Ed., 2006)- Janice Glimn-Lacy & Peter B Kaufman
  15. Bryophytes of Wayand in Western Ghats- Manju C. Nair, K. P. Rajesh & P. V. Madhusoodanan. (2005)*
  16. Contributions to the botany of India Robert Wight
  17. Commelinaceae et Cyrtandraceae Benghalensis- C. B Clarke*
  18. Commelinaceae Indicae – Hasskarl
  19. Common Indian Wild Flowers- Isaac Kehimkar (2000)*
  20. Crotalaria in Africa & Madagascar- B. M. Polhill*
  21. Current Concepts in Plant taxonomy- Heywood & Moore8
  22. Cyperaceae of  Central America- Paul C Standley
  23. Cyperaceae of West Indies- C. B. Clarke
  24. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine Volume 35.pdf
  25. Das Pflanzenreich and Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien (Araceae)- A. Engler
  26. Describing species- Practical taxonomic procedure for Biologists, J. E. Winston
  27. Descriptionum et Iconum … Novas Plantas- C. F. Rottboell
  28. Descriptive Botany- A practical guide….- Eliza A Youmans (1889)
  29. Directory of Indian taxonomists-K. S. Manilal (1996)*
  30. Endemic Plants of Indian Region-M. Ahmedullah & M.P. Nayar*
  31. Enumeratio filicum- G. F. Kaulfuss*
  32. Enumeratio plantarum Javae- Blume*
  33. Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniae- G. H. A. Thwaites*
  34. Enumeration plantarum- Martini Vahlii*
  35. Fern Flora of Malabar- B. K. Nair& K. K. Geevarghese (1993)*
  36. Ferns of Nagaland- L. S. Jamir & R.R. Rao (1988) *
  37. Field key for identification of the native orchids of Kerala – K.S. Manilal and C. Satheesh kumar (1993) *
  38. Field key to forest trees- N. Sasidharan*
  39. Flora Brasiliensis C. F. P. de Martius(Edit)
  40. Flora Honkongensis- G. Bentham
  41. Flora Indica- N.L. Burmanni (1768) *
  42. Flora Indica or Descriptions of Indian Plants- William Roxburgh*
  43. Flora Malesiana-  C. G. G. J. Van Steenis (Ed.) (8 Volumes)
  44. Flora Malesiana Series II. Pteredophyta Vol I. Part I, II, III, IV, V*
  45. Flora of  Pesidency of Madras*
  46. Flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands- P. K. Hajra, P. S. N. Rao, V. Mudgan -1999*
  47. Flora of Andhrapradesh- T. Pullaih*
  48. Flora of Bombay- T. Cooke*
  49. Flora of British India- J. D. Hooker*
  50. Flora of Calicut- Manilal & Sivarajan*
  51. Flora of Cannanore- V. S. Ramachandran & V. J. Nayar (1988) *
  52. Flora of Ceylon- H. Trimen (3 Volumes)
  53. Flora of Cutch- E. Blatter (CD-1)
  54. Flora of Great Nicobar Islands- B. K. Sinha, 1999*
  55. Flora of Hassan District- Saldanha & Nicolson*
  56. Flora of India- BSI Fascicles*
  57. Flora of Japan (In English)-1965. Jisaburo Ohwi
  58. Flora of Karnataka- C. J. Saldanha (1984) *
  59. Flora of Kerala-Grasses-  P. V. Sreekumar & V. J. Nair (1991) *
  60. Flora of Maharashtra Vol. 1, 2, 3 *
  61. Flora of Nilambur- Sivarajan & Mathew, 1997*
  62. Flora of Nilgiri and Pulney Hilltops- P. F. Fyson. Volume 3
  63. Flora of Silent Valley- K. S. Manilal (1988) *
  64. Flora of TamilNadu Carnatic- K. M Mathew(1988) *
  65. Flora of the Plani Hills, South India- K. M. Mathew (1999) *
  66. Flora of Tropical Africa- W. T. Thieselton Dyer (Ed.) ( 8 Volumes)
  67. Flora of Upper gangetic plain- J. F. Duthie*
  68. Flora orientalis-Edmond Boissier
  69. Flore generale Indo China
  70. Flowering Plants- Armen Takthajan
  71. Flowering plants of Western India- Alexander Kid Nairne
  72. Flowers of the Himalaya- O. Pollunin & A.Stainton(1984) *
  73. Genera Aroidearum Exposita- H. G. Schott
  74. Genera Plantarum- G. Bentham & J. D. Hooker Vol. 1
  75. Genus Oberonia in Mainland Asia Gunnar Seidenfaden: 1968*
  76. Genera & species of Orchidaceous plants- John Lindley
  77. Hanbook  of the Fern alleles – Baker (1984) *

78.  Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon – Plates- H. Trimen (1895)

  1. Histoire Botanique et Therapeutique des Gentianacees-  D. Brandza
  2. Hooker’s Icons plantarum Vol. XL. (Grammitidaceae) (1990) *
  3. Hooker’s Journal of Botany Vol.2(1850)
  4. Hundred Beautiful trees of India- Charles MacCann
  5. Icones plantarum incognitarum in India Occidentali- O. Swartz
  6. Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis- R.H. Beddome (1874) *
  7. Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, 3 Volumes- Robert Wight*
  8. Icones orchidacearum Fascicle 13. genus Epidenrum 2010
  9. Illustrated flora of the Northern US, Canada & British Possessions- N. L .Britton & A. Brown- Vol.1 (1896)
  10. Illustrations of Cyperaceae- C. B. Clarke
  11. Illustrations of Indian Botany- Robert Wight*
  12. Illustrations of British Flora (1880)- Fitch & Smith
  13. Illustrations of the Botany…. Himalayan Mountains- J. Forbes Royle*
  14. Illustrations of South American Plants Vol.1.- John Miers
  15. Indian species of Eriocaulaceae- P. F. Fyson*
  16. Indian Medicinal Plants- C. P. Khare. 2007
  17. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature- Vienna Code(2006)*
  18. Know your Grass genera Through Hand Lens. S. R. Yadav: 2010. *
  19. Leaves & Flowers or Object Lessons in Botany_ Alphonso Wood
  20. Location of Type Specimens- F. J. Hermann*
  21. Lycopodiaceae of India- R. D. Dixit (1987) *
  22. Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India- Sivarajan V. V& A. K. Pradeep (1996) *
  23. Mantissa in Volumin Primum Systematis Vegetabilium- C. Linnaeus
  24. Materials for a flora of the Malayan Peninsula- G. King & J. S. Gamble
  25. Morphogenesis and evolution of the spore wall of Polypodiaceae (Filicales)- Gerda A. van Uffelen (1993) *
  26. Nomenclature of Plants (1958)- Harold St. John
  27. Notulae Systematicae (1939)- H. Humbert
  28. Novae Plantarum Species Indiae Orientalis (1821)- A. G. Roth
  29. On the flora of Cutch- E. Blatter
  30. On the English edition of Van Rheede’s Hortus Malabaricus (1672)
  31. Orchids- John R Dunmare
  32. Orchids of Nilgiris- J. Joseph (1987) *
  33. Orchids of Guatemala
  34. Orchids of Mexico and Guatemala- J. Bateman
  35. Organic Agriculture- P. K. Thamban (1995) *
  36. Phycologia indica Vol. I & II- K. S. Sreenivasan (1973) *
  37. Phylogenetic systematics of the Drynarioideae – M. C. Roos (1955) *

116.                   Plant names simplified- J. T. Johnson & H. A. Smith*

117.                   Plant Systematics- Michael G. Sympson (2006) *

118.                   Plantae Asiaticae Rariores- Desc. & Figures of Selected Plants-  N. Wallich*

119.                   Plants of the Coast of Coromandel Coast- Illustrations- William Roxburgh*

120.                   Plants of the Punjab (1916)- C. J. Bamber

121.                   Plants, people & Culture- Michael J. Balick & Paul Alan Cox (1999) *

122.                   Prodrmous Florae Novae Hollandiae- Robert Brown

123.                   Prodromous Florae Indiae Orientalis- Vol. I -R. Wight & G. W. Arnold *

124.                   Prodromous Florae Nepalensis – D. Don*

125.                   Prodromous florae Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis- Robert Wight & Walker Arnott

126.                   Prodromous Systematis Aroidearum- H. G. Schott

127.                   Prodromous Systematis Regni vegetabilis- de Candolle (3 Volumes)

128.                   Pteredology in India A Bibliography- Verma, Khullar, Singh & Sharma (1987) *

129.                   Pteridophyta of Peru Part IV. 17. Dryopteridaceae(1991) -R.M. Tryon& R.G. Stolze

130.                   Pteridophyte flora of Western Ghats, South India- V. S. Manickam & V. Irudairaj (1991) *

131.                   Recent advances in Botany- P. Kachroo (1976) *

132.                   Red data Book of Indian Plants- M.P. Nair & A. R. K. Sasthry*

133.                   Revision of the Microsooid ferns (Polypodiaceae), Blumea 42 (1997) *

  1. Review of reference to the Hortus Malabaricus

135.                   Rhododendrons of Himalaya- J. D. Hooker

136.                   Roget’s International Thesaurus 3rd ed. – (1962) *

137.                   Sedeges of Jamica- N. L. Britton

138.                   Sedges of Kerala, Illustrations- A. Rejani & P. V. Madhusoodhanan*

139.                   Seed micromorphology of Neotropical Begonias- A. de Lange & F. Bouman, Smithsonian No. 90: 1999. *

140.                   Species of the fern genus Lepisorus- Michael J. Zink (1993) *

141.                   Species Plantarum- Carl Linnaeus*

142.                   Synopsis filicum- O. Swartz*

143.                   Synopsis filicum- W. J. Hooker & J. G. Baker (1874) *

144.                   Tentamen Pteridographiae- Carolo Bor. Presn*

145.                   The biology of Algae- F. E. Rao (1972) *

146.                   The family Eriocaulaceae in India- R. Ansari & N. P. Balakrishnan 1994*

147.                   The Herbarium Handbook- D. Bridson & L. Forman (1992rev. ed) *

148.                   The morphology and taxonomy of Aneilema R. Br (Commelinaceae)- Robert B. Faden*

149.                   The Old World species of Pouzolzia (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision- C. M. Wilmot- Dear and I. Friis: Nor. J. Bot. 24 (1): 2006*

150.                   The Plant Book(1997) D. J. Mabberley*

151.                   Theatri Botanici- Casper Bauhin

152.                   Tropical Flowering Plants (2003)- Kirsten Albrecht Llamasa

153.                   Zingeberaceae & Costaceae of South India- M. Sabu (2006) *

Updated on December 24, 2024

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