Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Sch.Bip., 369 1860. (Syn: Anacyclus aureus Lam. ex DC.; Anthemis aurea Webb ex Nyman; Cenocline aurea K.Koch; Chamomilla aurea J.Gay; Chamomilla aurea (Loefl.) J.Gay ex Coss. & Kralik; Chamomilla aurea var. coronata Coss. & Kralik; Cotula aurea (L.) Loefl.; Cotula complanata Sm.; Cotula pubescens Viv. ex Coss.; Lepidotheca aurea (L.) Kovalevsk.; Matricaria aurea var. calva Batt.; Matricaria complanata (Sm.) Griseb.; Perideraea aurea (Loefl.) Willk.);
Matricaria aurea from Kashmir: Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Schultz-Bip., Bonplandia. 8: 369. 1860 syn: Cotula aurea Loefl.; Chamomilla aurea (Loefl.) Gay ex Cosson & Kralik
Common name: Golden mayweed
Branched prostrate to erect herb with sessile leaves 2-3-pinnatisect having filiform segments; heads discoid, 5-6 mm across, yellow; involucre bracts oblong with brown scarious margin; florets tubular with 4-lobed corolla; achene brownish without pappus.
Distinct from Matricaria matricaroides in smaller yellow heads, involucre bracts with brown margins, achenes without pappus, 4-lobed corolla and smaller leaves with narrower segments.
Photographed from Rainawari, Kashmir. I have included photographs of both species for comparison.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Schultz-Bip. from Kashmir -GS50 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Schultz-Bip., Bonplandia. 8: 369. 1860
syn: Cotula aurea Loefl.; Chamomilla aurea (Loefl.) Gay ex Cosson & Kralik
Common name: Golden mayweed
Branched prostrate to erect herb with sessile leaves 2-3-pinnatisect having filiform segments; heads discoid, 5-6 mm across, yellow; involucre bracts oblong with brown scarious margin; florets tubular with 4-lobed corolla; achene brownish without pappus.
Distinct from Matricaria matricaroides in smaller yellow heads, involucre bracts with brown margins, achenes without pappus, 4-lobed corolla and smaller leaves with narrower segments.
Photographed from Rainawari, Kashmir. I have included photographs of both species for comparison.
Matricaria aurea
Updated on December 24, 2024