Meistera ghatica

Meistera ghatica (K.G.Bhat) Škorničk. & M.F.Newman, Taxon 67: 26 (2018) (syn: Amomum ghaticum K.G.Bhat);
SW. India as per POWO;

513 ID wild ginger:
Please ID wild ginger,
Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 04DEC2023, 04.15pm
Habitat: wild moisture evergreen misty sloppy canopied alpine
Plant habit: ginger, erect/obliquely, weak cylindrical greenish pseudo-stem 03cm base diameter, perennial
Height: 03.5 meters
Leaves: alternate elongated acute simple smooth glossy flexible, size upto: 45×12cm
Flower: terrestrial inflorescence, diameter:04cm, white with yellow shade and red lines, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Looks close to  Meistera newmanii (M.Sabu & V.P.Thomas) Škorničk. & M.F.Newman Syn : Amomum newmanii M.Sabu & V.P.Thomas and Meistera ghatica (K.G.Bhat) Škorničk. & M.F.Newman Syn : Amomum ghaticum K.G.Bhat
But I guess it is more closer to Meistera ghatica (K.G.Bhat) Škorničk. & M.F.Newman Syn : Amomum ghaticum K.G.Bhat

Yes, my plant is very close to both Meistera sps., thank you very much for identified my plant. I think the stamen and pollens of my plant are slightly different.

Meistera ghatica






POWO  Catalogue of Life  WFO  BSI Flora of India checklist

Updated on December 23, 2024