Melicope elleryana (Introduced)

Melicope elleryana (F. Muell.) T.G. Hartley, Allertonia 8(1): 201 201 2001. (Syn: Euodia elleryana F. Muell.);
Maluku to Santa Cruz Islands and N. Australia: Bismarck Archipelago, Maluku, New Guinea, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Santa Cruz Is., Solomon Is., Western Australia; Introduced: Hawaii as per POWO;
Australia (NE-Western Australia, N-Northern Territory, Queensland, NE-New South Wales), Moluccas (Morotai, Obi, Ceram, Tanimbar), New Guinea, Bismarck Arch., Solomon Isl., Bougainville, Java (I) as per CoL;
Common name: Pink Evodia, Corkwood, Pink Doughwood, Pink-flowered Evodia, Evodia, Doughwood, Pink Euodia, Pink Flowered Doughwood

A medium size tree seen at Lalbagh, Bangalore on the 25th of July,12.
Tree in full bloom with light pink flowers and few leaves.
Cloudy weather, poor light and occasional showers made it difficult to take good pictures.
Id please.

i think this is Melicope elleryana butterfly tree .

This is Melicope Elleryana as … has said. Here are my pics of the same tree:)

I guess i just got lucky with the light. Pics were taken in June 09…

do they develop fruits? have folowed up ?


A small to medium rainforest tree growing to 25 metres tall and a diameter of 60 cm.
The natural range is from the Clarence River (29° S) in New South Wales to tropical northern Australia. It is also found in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
The Pink Flowered Doughwood is usually found in riverine rainforest areas.
The trunk is almost white, of a doughy appearance, with a thick layer of soft corky dead bark. The trunk is slightly buttressed or flanged at the base. The opposite leaflets are in threes, mostly ovate. 6 to 13 cm long, tapering to a blunt point at the tip. This tree is the favoured food plant for the spectacular Ulysses butterfly, Papilio ulysses. Flowers form in a cyme or panicle springing from the old leaf axils. Individual flowers are 3 to 4 cm long, and form from January to March. The fruit is two to four cell dry cocci. They mature from July to December, spitting down one side exposing a single shiny black flattened seed, 4 to 5 cm long.
Germination is unpredictable, starting within 30 days or taking several years. Soaking the seeds for several days appears to remove some of the germination inhibitors.
(From Wikipedia)

Very nice pics and description…
… also submitted very nice pictures of this ??same?? tree recently:
   …. scroll down to get to … pics… , the thread was started by …

It should be the same tree i think?? I have seen only one tree in Lalbagh..

I got the location from …
I also saw only one tree.
I was bit lucky as the sun peeked out for an hour when I was in Lalbagh.


Small Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 281113 : AK-3 : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 2 authors.
A small tree with tiny berry-like fruits.

Could this be Melicope elleryana, the Pink Flowered Doughwood posted by me earlier in flowering?

efi page on Melicope elleryana

These are the fruits of Melicope elleryana. On searching, they look the same.

Tree ID- tiny pinky buds, near Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore:
Please help to identify.
Location- Aurobindo Ashram Garden, opp Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore
Date- June 17, 2012

It look like Melastomaceae plant probably Memecylon species ….

I too think this to be Memecylon…..

I went to see the tree again today to see if maybe the buds had flowered but they were in the same state. Will share updated pictures in a few weeks once there are visible changes.

This plant has compound, pinnately three foliolate leaves. This rules out Memecylon. Its likely to be some member of Rutaceae but inflorescence is not terminal. Open flowers might give a better clue

Just a guess…any Leea species?

This is Memecylon species

Not memecylon, it may be any of the genus comes under melastomataceae

It’s Rutaceae member-only, Melicope sp., mostly M. elleryana, 

yes I agree with … it is Melicope elleryana (pink doughwood) an exotic plant 

Yes, Melicope elleryana from me as well.
When I suggested Leea Species, ! had not seen Melicope elleryana.
Saw it later at Lalbagh, Bangalore.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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