Memecylon sahyadricum Sivu, Ratheesh & N. S. Pradeep, Int. J. Advanced Res. 2: 759 (2014);
India (Kerala) as per POWO;
ID 04/02: 2 high res. images.
Please identify this Memycylon collected from Kannur in Kerala 10/2/24
Check with Memecylon umbellatum.
M.sahyadrica Sivu et al
POWO Catalogue of Life
MEMECYLON SAHYADRICA (MELASTOMATACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM THE WESTERN GHATS, INDIA– Sivu, Ratheesh & N. S. Pradeep (Abstract: Memecylon sahyadrica Sivu, Ratheesh & N.S. Pradeep, a new species of Melastomataceae collected from an evergreen forest in the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India is described and illustrated. It resembles M. sisparense Gamble, but mainly differs in having broadly ovate leaves with cordate base, obscure intra-marginal veins, inflorescence without peduncle, flowers with 9–12 mm long pedicels, campanulate calyx tube and broadly obovoid fruit)