Miliusa flaviviridis NAVENDU V. PAGE, MEENAKSHI POTI, KALIAMOORTHY RAVIKUMAR, Phytotaxa 255 (2): 167–171 (2016); new sp. `Miliusa flaviviridis`- : 9 posts by 9 authors. Attachments (1) Navendu Page has discovered a new sp. of Annonaceae, which he has named Miliusa flaviviridis. Hearty congratulations to … !!!! That’s great work, … We are so proud of you. Wonderful paper. … you must be very happy and proud to see your son publish well One more feather in crown of … Heartiest Congratulation to Navendu & keep progressing !! References: Miliusa flaviviridis (Annonaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India– NAVENDU V. PAGE, MEENAKSHI POTI, KALIAMOORTHY RAVIKUMAR- Phytotaxa 255 (2): 167–171 (2016)- (Abstract– Miliusa Leschenault ex A.DeCandolle (1832: 213) is characterized by a combination of floral characters such as sepaloid outer petals, densely hairy torus (receptacle), stamens with connectives not extending over the thecae and four-part lamellate ruminations of the endosperm (Chaowasku et al. 2013). Miliusa consists of ca. 50 species with four varieties, distributed from India, Sri Lanka and Bhutan to Australia through the Malayan islands, Philippines and Papua New Guinea (Mols & Keßler 2003). Chaowasku et al. (2013) included 27 species in their phylogenetic study and identified four well-supported clades, each characterized by a set of morphological characters. However, none of the species endemic to India was included in their study. Twenty species and one variety are reported from India (Turner 2015, Page & Nerlekar 2016), most of which are distributed in the wet forests of south India, northeastern India and the Andaman islands, whereas only two species are distributed across the dry forests of India. Six species, Miliusa wightiana Hooker & Thompson (1855: 149), M. nilagirica Beddome (1870: 18), M. tirunelvelica Murugan et al. (2004:102), M. wayanadica Sujanapal et al. (in Narayanan et al. 2010: 64), M. gokhalaei Ratheesh et al. (in Narayanan et al. 2012: 26) and M. malnadense Page & Nerlekar (2016: 79) are endemic to the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats. During the recent field survey carried out in the Agastyamalai Hill Ranges of the Western Ghats, we found an undescribed species of Miliusa that was morphologically distinct from its congeners from peninsular India with respect to the pedicel length, shape and color of the inner petals as well as shape of the carpel and stigma. It is therefore described here as a species new to science.) |
Miliusa flaviviridis
Updated on December 24, 2024