Mimosa diplotricha

Mimosa diplotricha Sauvalle (?) from Assam : Attachments (10).  5 posts by 4 authors.
Attached images may be Mimosa diplotricha Sauvalle. Please validate.
Date :13.11.2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Mimosaceae
Genus & species : Mimosa diplotricha Sauvalle (?)
Habitat: Grows wild on waste places(on the side of railway tract, road side etc)
Habit : Erect shrub and a scrambling climber. Re-curved thorn on the surface of the stem 

Slightly curved legumes, legumes in cluster, more than 20 pairs of leaflets suggest it could be M. diplotricha var. diplotricha, as per FoC. However, key and discussion in this regard can be found in –

Images by tspkumar


51-TSP-ID-01MAY2016-1: A prickly herb (Fabaceae) for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Kindly identify this prickly herb (Fabaceae)…..Could this be any one of Mimosa sp….?? 

Habit: Prickly herb with quadrangular stem 

Habitat: Wild, Evergreen forest fringe 

Sighting: Shirady Ghat, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka about 700 msl 

Date: 27-10-2015

if I am not mistaken it can also grow in thickets. It is Mimosa diplotricha. a nasty weed of south american origin and there are reports that its a menace, one from FAO is that  in Kaziranga national park etc and a great threat to numerous econimically important trees.  see page 3  of this pdf
I had never seen in real, so thanks for the pictures

now you have your work cut out for you to eradicate it from your area of supervision. good luck.

Thanks … for the ID

…, thanks again for the details and the caution as well.


Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week. Mimosa hamata from Coimbatore.: Sharing the images of Mimosa hamata from NBNP Coimbatore.

I think it should be Mimosa diplotricha Sauvalle as per images herein.


MIMOSA SPECIES : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)

Attaching four images of Mimosa species from Cooch Behar.

Will somebody identify ?

Long time back I came across a plant in Kerala. It was looking similar to your photographs. It was identified at that time as MImosa diplotricha. You may please check for it.   

For Kooch Behar, it should be Mimosa rubicaulis. Please verify.

Keys at Mimosa lead me to Mimosa himalayana

… have identified the plant to be Mimosa diplotricha


Kalpetta  Wayanad

Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 780 m (2,560 ft) asl
Mimosa diplotricha  Sauvalle

older name was Mimosa invisa…. due to its large numbers of thorns and new name diplotricha must refere to two types of hairs/spines. one is very obvious. the second type of hair/spine. i can t identify for sure. can you enlarge some ? in your originals. besides creeping habit, the two types of hais is what one needs

Thanks … for the information.
You may please click on any photo, it takes you to the photopage in flickr. There again, when you click on photo, it zooms to original size – and you can pan around wherever you wish to.

As I said, the photos from this new camera are not worth viewing in original. They are very fuzzy, and details are lost.

oh. that’s why i went to your FLickr account and looked these up and could not enlarge on my screen. that’s why i asked you

Oh! I did not know that flickr does not work its magic in all computers. …, let me share the original pic for your perusal.
I hope the quality of photo is good enough for your purpose.

Attachments (1)- 4 mb.

Thank you, … Yes there are two types of trichrome/spines. clearly seen. so the name is apt.
so if this prosumer/bridge camera can get me this level of details, it might make me happy.
i should also not forget that the lighting and its direction should be correct to get this level of details (just as an aside, not an ad for new iphone, i got such details …hairs and pollen dust , environmental dust etc last year trips, i did not even carry my prosumer everyday, just the phone)

also i see the tiny carbon dust particles in this picture. if that much details can be seen, may be pollen can also be discerned in proper context, light and may be additional diopters? smaller and lighter gear is my aim now.

Thanks … Yes, by all means, there are good cellphone cameras ranging from 50k to little just over 100k.

They give very good results.

How to incorporate this species in your keys at Mimosa ?


46 Identify weed plant
4 images.

Please identify the weed plant (a kind of shame plant).
Location:  near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671
Date:.              13.11.2020, 09.35am
Altitude:           1700fsl
Habitat:            wild moisture
Plant habit:      creeping hard stem perennial
Height:             02 meters
Leaves:            alternative, bipinnate
Flower:             diameter: 14mm, pink non fragrant

Also thorned and hairy. 

Mimosa sp.

Yes … its Mimosa sp

Please post the closeup of the stem (mature stem) to check whether it is Mimosa diplotricha. Not the zoomed and cropped photo. M.pudica and M.diplotricha are reported from Kerala.

Yes, it is Mimosa diplotricha,

I too agree with … for diplotricha,

Sharing more images happily,
2 images.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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