Miquelia assamica

Miquelia assamica (Griff.) D. G. Long, Edinburgh J. Bot. 47(3): 353 1990. (syn: Jenkinsia assamica Griff.; Miquelia assamica (Griff.) Mast.; Miquelia gibba Baill.; Miquelia kleinii Mast.) as per CoL;
E. Himalaya to Thailand: Assam, East Himalaya, Thailand as per POWO;

Woody climber, climbing up to 5 m tall; branches strigose when young. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petioles ca. 1-5 cm long, strigose; lamina ca. 10-24 x 4-8 cm, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or cuneate at base, acuminate to abruptly acuminate at apex, subentire to repanded at margin; secondary nerves 9-12 pairs, arcuate. Female inflorescence ca. 1-2 cm long, thick peduncles and in 10-15-flowered heads; Flowers unisexual, on ca. 2-4 mm long pedicels; calyx minute, 3-5-lobed; petals 4-5-lobed; lobes oblong, valvate; Male flowers: filaments short; anthers ca. 2 mm; rudimentary ovary present; Female flowers: staminodes minute; ovary ovoid; stigma sessile, 4-lobed. Drupes ca. 1.5-2 x 0.8 cm, yellowish, obliquely ovoid, tubercled.
In primary forests; 200 m; rare.
(Attributions- Ayyappan. N & V. Kokilavani, French Institute of Pondicherry, Compiled from various sources listed in the reference as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Miquelia assamica:
Miquelia assamica
Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  High resolution specimen 2  India Biodiversity Portal  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal  Behali Reserve Forest of Assam, Northeast India -unique elements of flora, its threats and protection

Updated on December 23, 2024

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