Nectar & Host Plants; Nectar Plant List: Attaching herewith list of Nectar Plants, compiled from various sources. By Faruk Mhetar – Adenostemma lavenia
Angelonia biflora Benth. family SCROPHULARIACEAE Perennial herb 40–60 cm.
Asclepias tuberosa ‘Hello Flowers
Aster Aster Aster Aster Aster
Asystasia Ecological
Bauhinia Scarlet Bauhinia – Bauhinia Scarlet Bee Balm Fragrant
Bleeding Heart Vine Bleeding Glory Bower, Bag Flower Clerodendrum thomsoniae Family: Verbenaceae
Buddleja Lochinch Buddleja davidii x fallowiana A compact
Buddleja x weyeriana Buddleja
Coral Coral Hibiscus. This striking flower is an original species of
Aristolochia Fly pollination. This flower appears to be an insect-eating pitcher
Aster novae-angliae Origin:
Purple One of our most Cardinal Climber Vine Ipomoea sloteri is a hybrid of Ipomoea quamoclit, ‘Cypress Vine,’ and Ipomoea
Cirsium The
Crotalaria retusa Rattleweed
Crotalaria spectabulis
THE CUPHEA Cuphea platycentr Cuphea silenoides is a good half-hardy
Odontonema Description Firespike is a showy evergreen It one of the few red tubular flowers popular with hummingbirds
Clerodendrum quadriloculare Shooting Star FAMILY : Verbenaceae
Heliotropium indicum Indian Heliotrope / Indian turnsole, Several heliotropes are popular
Impatiens – Balsam – These are hardy and tender annual and perennial herbs.
Lavender Family :- Lamiaceae
Leea indica Bandicoot Berry • Marathi: Karkani Family: Leeaceae Leea flowers are visited by a variety of insect
Marigolds , Indian Flower Marigold leaves are finely cut, fernlike and
Medicago Description An herbaceous
Mexican Flame Vine, Orange Glow Vine confusus Family: Asteraceae Mexican
Mikania scandens (L.) Flowering – July – October. Habitat – Swampy woods, ditches, fence rows, Origin – Native to U.S. Other info. – This vining species can be found
Mussaenda Just Mussaenda Origin:
Pentas Latin: Pentas lanceolata – “Butterfly pink’ Family: Rubiaceae Origin: Africa Top buterfly
Jatropha Description Peregrina is an evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy
Peristrophe Mountain Common name: Panicled Peristrophe • Hindi: Atrilal, Peristrophe Synonyms: Common name: Peristrophe, Magenta plant, Kakajangha Peristrophe roxburghiana Synonyms: Peristrophe tinctoria
Persicaria (Polygonum) (pol-e-go-num’) Common Family:
Petunia :
Princess Flower , glory bush, purple glory bush Botanical name: Tibouchina urvilleana Family: Melastomataceae Synonyms: Tibouchina maudhiana, Tibouchina semidecandra, Lasiandra Princess
Purple A
Salvia Family: Lamiaceae/Labiatae This American mint is especially desirable in
Silk Botanical name:
Thryallis Galphimia glauca Family:
Verbena Graceful clusters of Verbena
Zinnia This is a plant that is started incredibly Zinnias seem especially favored by butterflies,
Bharangi Clerodendrum
Buddleja Description Butterfly bush is a Butterfly bush is very easy to root
Caesalpinia Candy
Cape Cape honeysuckle is a fast growing, The larvae
Chromolaena Common
Clerodendrum Description Pagoda flower is an
Cosmos sulphureus Common name: Orange cosmos, Yellow cosmos Family: Asteraceae The The flowers of all Cosmos attract Crossandra Plant Like all tropical flowering plants, Growing from seeds is an easy way
Ixora Flowing
Jasminum VARIETIES: For a warm greenhouse – J. gracillimum
Cirsium arvensis is a species of Cirsium,
Bridelia retusa Common name: Spinous Kino Tree •
Helicteres East-Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small
Eusteralis Quadrifolia (Dysophylla quadrifolia) |
Nectar & Host Plants
Updated on December 24, 2024