Morina coulteriana Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 245 1835.; . Common name: Yellow Whorlflower . , I took this flower pictures in Bhojwasa, Uttarakhand. Looks like Morina to me. May be M. longifolia, but yellow flower is very strange. This one is Morina coulteriana, a high altitude species. . Fwd: What has happened to Coulter’s Morina? : 1 post by 1 author. This plant has been included in a number of families: Morinaceae, Caprifoliaceae and Dipsacaceae. eFI has the genus under Caprifoliaceae whereas ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ has it under Dipsaceae (which is followed by Dickore & Klimes in their Ladakh check-list. But my main is has Morina coulteriana been transferred to another species or genus for that matter, it is an accepted name in ‘The Plant List’? In the mean-time, I shall bring together assorted images I have of the plant – whatever its name an current family and information to improve upon the 2 out-of-focus images posted on eFI. .
ID requested for this small Yellow spiny herb Habit- Small herb with spiny leaves and yellow flowers. Habitat- Subalpine-alpine meadows, steep rocky open slopes facing sunshine Altitude- 3000-3400m Habitat- Sural valley (Pangi) Date-July 2021 In my opinion, i found it close to Morina coulteriana?? Yes!
. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI Catalogue of Life GRIN GBIF (with type specimen) Flora of China Flora of Pakistan FOP illustration IIIM (Specimen) Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora PFAF Flora of the Silk Road: The Complete Illustrated Guide By Basak Gardner & Chris Gardner |
Morina coulteriana
Updated on December 24, 2024