Morina coulteriana

Morina coulteriana Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 245 1835.;
Common name: Yellow Whorlflower
Himalayas from Kashmir to Garhwal, Tibet, Afghanistan and Pakistan as per Flora of Pakistan ; 

For ID 140810 ET : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

I took this flower pictures in Bhojwasa, Uttarakhand.
Date/Time- 8.7.10     —-1.08 p.m.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- — in Bhojwasa 4 km from Gaumukh
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- —-wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- — Herb
Height/Length- —–Around  12 inch
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size ——-as seen in the picture

Looks like Morina to me. May be M. longifolia, but yellow flower is very strange.

This one is Morina coulteriana, a high altitude species.


This plant has been included in a number of families: Morinaceae, Caprifoliaceae and Dipsacaceae.
eFI has the genus under Caprifoliaceae whereas ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ has it under Dipsaceae (which is followed by Dickore & Klimes in their Ladakh check-list.
But my main is has Morina coulteriana been transferred to another species or genus for that matter, it is an accepted name in ‘The Plant List’?
In the mean-time, I shall bring together assorted images I have of the plant – whatever its name an current family and information to improve upon the 2 out-of-focus images posted on eFI.


PM01-26072021-ID confirmation from pangi valley it Morina coulteriana?: 6 images– 1 high res.

ID requested for this small Yellow spiny herb
Habit- Small herb with spiny leaves and yellow flowers.
Habitat- Subalpine-alpine meadows, steep rocky open slopes facing sunshine
Altitude- 3000-3400m
Habitat- Sural valley (Pangi)
Date-July 2021 
In my opinion, i found it close to Morina coulteriana??



Updated on December 24, 2024

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