Oberonia species- Mullayaiangiri, Karnataka


Oberonia species for ID from Karnataka-GSOCT03/14 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Kindly help in the ID of this Oberonia sp. photographed below Mullayaiangiri, growing on branch of a tree, alt 1700 m in Karnataka



Flora Picture of the Year 2015- Gurcharan Singh : 10 posts by 10 authors. Attachments (2)

This Oberonia species was photographed below Mullayanagiri, growing on branch of a tree, alt 1700 m in Karnataka. Our talented member Tsp Kumar was with us on two day trip to two highest peaks of Karnataka Bababudangiri and Mullayanagiri showing us interesting and rare plants of Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka. Knowing my weakness for orchids (in both senses: hardly knowing any orchids, only a few which I can count on my fingers, and my desire to know more about them)  he led us on difficult slopes, where he not only showed us beautiful plant (many new for me) but especially hunted down orchids. This was one such orchid perched on upper branches of a tree. It was difficult to reach the branches but luckily I could capture with my newly bought 18 mm to 220 mm Tamron lens mounted on my Cannon 550 D camera. This is what he commented later on Facebook Indian Flora I was spellbound as the ‘Guruji’ took this picture….feeling like a midget before the mountain…!”, a great appreciation from a talented Forest Officer, Plant lover and a accomplished photographer. 
Photographed on September 26, 2015, the only thing which I know with certainty is that it is a species of Oberonia (first identified by …). My friend … from Facebook Indian Flora identified it as Oberonia pachyrhachis, a species obviously not reported from Karnataka. I sent these photographs to … also, who suggested either Oberonia brunoniana or O. balakrishnanii. I hope to know the exact ID soon.

Wonderful capture. Thanks, … for exploring a new area & showing to us.   

Kindly permit me address you as such because you are my Dronacharya from whom I learnt a lot following on Indian Flora. Your words of appreciation kindles my appetite, and my interest in exploring. You are a master motivator that I keep repeating.

Very nice pics.

You can see a true Oberonia pachyrachis which is very much different from your plant at this link:

Two nature lovers on a joint mission will certainly give excellent outcomes. This is always a great learning to explore with Gurcharan Sir, and I have also been very lucky on that account…
Thanks Sir for sharing your happy experience through beautiful words supplemented with nice pics..you have shared many plants from your Karnataka tour, hope the remaining treasure is also unveiled…!!

Excellent capture, …!

I am sure you had wonderful experience visiting Karnataka, and especially exploring these hotspots of floristic diversity, with like-minded companions!

Updated on December 24, 2024

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