Fuchsia ‘Miss California’ ; fuchsia.for ID.011014.RT-5 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Pls ID this Fuchsia. Place-Munnar Habitat-cultivated garden. Height-3feet. To me it reminds me of the hardy varieties, old cultivars … from early 1900s one such is Abbe Farges grows to about 3 to 4 feet, and has these lovely crimson sepals that almost completely curve upwards, reminds me of the ballet dancers twirling. Those of us that wanted to grow fuchsias always looked out for these… cant be sure though, since i have seen much more recent varieties registered in the 1990s with similar flowers …. but the flowers tend to be bigger and measurements are different. we need a fuchsia specialist , and even then it may not be easy based on pictures without measurements etc and fully pic of leaves …etc Glad that it reminded you the ballerinas. They call this ‘Chinese lantern’. so, you already know its identity, would you please share its history, i would like to know, thanks I knew it is Fuchsia even if the nursery man didn’t know. His product name was ’Chinese lantern’ for this. Years back I have noticed this plant at Ooty for its pause and beauty; I purchased a rooted cutting at a very fancy price. It didn’t withstand the Cochin climate .Later came to understand it as Fuchsia. The other things like it’s fruits are edible what lead to it’s naming, existence of 100s of varieties are all gathered from net. Do you have this in your garden? Yes, I had one, several years ago, but it did not like the full western exposure and it did not like to be indoors, insects swamped it. Very prone to bugs if kept indoors. Likes to have free flowing air around it, that’s why other fuchsia that are hanging basket types do well. On the net we see that Fuchsias do comparatively very well in southern california and not in florida, ie it likes dry warm sunny areas but not wet/humid. SO I guess it would not do well in NE india including Bengal. My loss. Appears close to images of Fuchsia ‘Miss California’ at
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Fuchsia ‘Miss California’
Updated on December 24, 2024