Murdannia fadeniana Nampy & Joby, Candollea 58: 79 2003.;
India (Kerala) as per POWO;
235 ID wild plant Commelina: 22 images.
Please ID wild plant, a combo of 03 Commelina sps. flowers close to Dictyospermum montanum, leaves close to Murdannia japonica and dry fruits and seeds (nice) close to Murdannia loriformis.
Location: near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki District Kerala 685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 14.12.2021, 08.55am
Habitat: wild, moisture, shady, streamside, giant rock-stone
Plant habit: erect, no stem, basal rosette on 90° steep giant rock-stone, perennial
Height: 03cm
Leaves: rosette, alternate, oblong, apex, smooth, soft, fleshy 01mm thickness, wavy margins, size:08×02 inches
Flower: axillary, racemose, 03 petals, diameter:10mm, white, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule green into black size:9×2.5mm
Seed: black, numerous, rigid, granular
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s
Murdannia loriformis (Hask.) Rolla Rao & Kammathy may be close !
Not Murdannia loriformis (Hask.) Rolla Rao & Kammathy
dear …, peduncle is differ only 03cm, and no leaves images,
This could be Murdannia fadeniana Nampy & Joby
If you are going to visit this place again, please try to observe how the seeds are arranged. I still remember a specimen from Idukki housed at Madras Herbarium I have identified as Murdannia glauca. Its polymorphic species and number of stamens often varies from 2 to 3, but uniseriate seed arrangement make it different from others.
Thanks for your mail, interesting to know the seed arrangements, I am sure and ready to help in this regard. Please tell me how I can collect it, means after explosion of capsule or just before explosion.
Thank you for your positive response. I need some immature capsules preserved in alcohol or formaldehyde, an entire specimen (if there are enough individuals) and few likely to be mature capsules. This will help to understand the plants for its correct ID.
Today I have been there and collected immature capsules,
I am sent it to …, and it is on the way.
POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of peninsular India India Biodiversity Portal Kerala plants Plazi
Murdannia fadeniana Nampy & Joby (Commelinaceae), a new species from India– Nampy & Joby- January 2003 Candollea 58(1):79-82