Mycaranthes pannea

Mycaranthes pannea (Lindl.) S.C. Chen & J.J. Wood,  Flora of China 25: 348. 2009. (Syn: Eria pannea Lindl.; Pinalia pannea (Lindl.) Kuntze);
Strongyleria pannea (Lindl.) Schuit., Y.P.Ng & H.A.Pedersen, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 186: 201 (2018) (syn: Eria calamifolia Hook.f. ; Eria nivosa Ridl. ; Eria odoratissima Teijsm. & Binn. ; Eria pannea Lindl.Eria teretifolia Griff.; Mycaranthes pannea (Lindl.) S.C.Chen & J.J.Wood; Pinalia calamifolia (Hook.f.) Kuntze ; Pinalia pannea (Lindl.) Kuntze) as per POWO;
E. Himalaya to S. China and W. Malesia:
Assam, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Flag Eria

Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1842, Misc. 64 ; in Journ. Linn. Soc. iii. 50 ; stems very short 1-4-leaved from a creeping rootstock, leaves linear terete fleshy, scape 1-2-fld. and large ovate bracts and sepals densely woolly, sepals ovate-lanceolate obtuse, petals linear-oblong woolly, mentum rather long obtuse, lip oblong obtuse thick concave with an oblong granulate callus at the base and near the tip. Walp. Ann. vi. 273. ? E. teretifolia, Griff. Notul. iii. 298 ; Ic. Pl. Asiat, t. 300. SIKKIM HIMALAYA, Herb. Griffith, alt. 1-2000 ft., J. D. H. KHASIA HILLS, alt. 3-4000 ft., J. D. H. & T. T. TENASSERIM, Parish. PERAK, Scortechini. MALACCA, on Mount Ophir, Loll. SINGAPORE, Hort. Lodd.—DISTRIB. Borneo.
Rhizome as thick as a crow-quill ; stems woolly, sometimes forming small globose pseudobulbs. Leaves 1-10 in. by 1/8-1/6 in. diam., often pustulate. Scape 2-3 in. ; flower sessile ; lateral sepals 1/3 in. long ; column very short.—Griffith’s teretifolia from Malacca, together with the Perak and Singapore plants, may be different from the Sikkim and Khasia ones, the former having narrow lanceolate and the hitter broadly ovate bracts.
(Attributions: IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))


ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Mycaranthes pannea (Lindl.) S.C.Chen & J.J.Wood from Hong Kong, PKS-80 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Mycaranthes pannea (Lindl.) S.C.Chen & J.J.Wood, in Fl. China 25: 348 (2009).

Eria pannea Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 28(Misc.): 64 (1842).
Pinalia pannea (Lindl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 679 (1891).
Eria teretifolia Griff., Itin. Pl. Khasyah Mts.: 202 (1848).
Eria odoratissima Teijsm. & Binn., Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië 27: 17 (1864).
Eria calamifolia Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 191 (1890).
Pinalia calamifolia (Hook.f.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 679 (1891).
Eria nivosa Ridl., J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 4: 116 (1921).
Distribution: E. Himalaya to S. China and W. Malesia

What a beauuuuuty..i love it ..very cuuute orchid 🙂


Eria pannea Lindl.: 2 Heic images

Location: BSI, Gangtok, West Bengal, India
Date: 05 January 2023
Elevation: 1700 m.
Habitat: Cultivated

Very beautiful Eria pannea but has a new name Mycaranthes pannea.

Name changed again to Strongyleria pannea (Lindl.) Schuit., Y.P.Ng & H.A.Pedersen ???

Pl. post Jpg images.

2 high res. jpeg images.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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