Myosotis asiatica (Vestergr.) Schischk. & Serg., Fl. Sibir. Occ. ed. 2, 9: 2272 1937. (syn: Myosotis alpestris subsp. asiatica Vestergr.); .
ID Requested (20/06/2011 NSJ-03): 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) vergissmeinnicht? I hope Myosotis alpestris If found in the wild it could be Forget-me-not Vergissmeinnicht (Myosotis sylvatica). Without details, difficult to name. I agree with … about absence of details.. forget me not flowers may resemble this , but…….???? Yes, this could well be Myosotis asiatica (M. alpestris subsp. asiatica). Recorded as very common in N.Pakistan and Kashmir @ 2600-5000m. The only other species of this genus recorded for Kashmir is Myosotis palustris (M.scorpioides var. palustris) which is very common in wet places but only to 3000m I was basing my previous comments upon Stewart and a much poorer understanding of the genus. As this specimen has only just come into flower and one cannot see its typical growth habit, no fruits, barely discernible calyces (though they have spreading hairs), it may well still turn out to be M.asiatica but M.sylvatica should be considered. Would need better images of flowers (esp. calyces) and ideally fruit to be more sure. VOF Week: Boraginaceae herb for Id 1: May be Myosotis caespitosa of Boraginaceae I think yes I think it may be Myosotis alpestris subsp. alpestris I find this specimen a bit confusing. Difficult to tell about the calyces. Might be M.asiatica (syn. M.alpestris subsp. asiatica). Really do need better close-up view of calyces to certain.
. Myosotis alpestris F. W. Schmidt, Fl. Boem. Cent. 3: 26. 1794. Perennial herb differentiated by its spreading hairs on calyx, fruiting pedicel equalling or slightly longer than calyx and obtuse nutlets; leaves linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, gradually reducing upwards both surfaces covered with spreading hairs; flowers blue or white in short cyme elongating in fruit; nutlets obtuse. Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir Boraginaceae Week: Myosotis alpestris from Paddar valley J&K: Bot. name: Myosotis alpestris Location: Paddar valley J&K Altitude: 3000 meters asl Flowering: May-June please help me to identify the following species : 4 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. please help me to identify the following species Species for Identification – location – Barot ,Mandi District,Himachal Pradesh Altitude- 2800-3000m Date 12- June-2017 Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/b/boraginaceae Pl. check with images at Myosotis asiatica (Vestergr.) Schischk. & Serg. To me appears close. thank u …. .
Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal Date: 31May 2023 Elevation: 2900 m. Habit : Wild This species is not reported in our area as per POWO: Instead, Myosotis alpestris subsp. asiatica Vestergr. is reported as per POWO: So pl. check this as per GBIF: To me appears close. It is reported according to Flora of Nepal, efloraNepal, GBIF and the latest book from Nepal, … ! Myosotis alpestris subsp. asiatica Vestergr. is mentioned as a syn. in latest Flora of Nepal, in the link sent by you. Yes that is syn.
Myosotis asiatica
Updated on December 24, 2024