Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 61 1791. (syn: Myosotis alpestris F. W. Schmidt; Myosotis amoena Schott & Kotschy; Myosotis caespitosa Ten. ex Nym.; Myosotis campestris Godet ex DC.; Myosotis cognata Schott ex Nym.; Myosotis gracilis hort.; Myosotis lactea Boenn.; Myosotis montana Bess.; Myosotis nemorosa Martr.; Myosotis oblongata Link; Myosotis odorata Poir.; Myosotis pallens Wall.; Myosotis parviflora (Schur) Domin; Myosotis perennis var. sylvatica (Ehrh.) DC.; Myosotis pontica C. Koch; Myosotis sachalinensis M. Pop.; Myosotis silvatica subvar. firma Neilr.; Myosotis suaveolens Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.; Myosotis sylvatica f. acaulis Y.L. Chang & S.D. Zhao; Myosotis sylvatica var. b lactea Boenningh.; Myosotis sylvatica var. firma (Neilr.) Cincovic & Kojic; Myosotis sylvatica f. lactea (Boenningh.) J. Duvigneaud; Myosotis sylvatica f. longipetiolata T.D. Magalashvili; Myosotis sylvatica var. parviflora Schur; Myosotis sylvatica var. sachalinensis (M. Pop.) Tolm.; Myosotis sylvatica f. scabra T.D. Magalashvili; Myosotis transsylvanica Porc.; Myosotis umbrosa Schleich. ex Rchb.); . Myosotis sylvatica, the wood forget-me-not or woodland forget-me-not,[1] is a species of flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae, native to Europe. Stace[2] describes this plant as having the following characteristics: Upright, to 50 cm; softly hairy, with hairs at more-or-less right-angles to the main stem. Flowers grey-blue, to 8mm across, flat in profile; sepal tube with hooked hairs; April–July.[3] Mature fruit dark brown, shiny. Mature calyx on spreading stalks longer than sepal tube; calyx teeth spreading to expose the ripe fruit. Basal leaves stalked, in a rosette; upper leaves not stalked. Generally found in woods, scree and rock ledges; common throughout the British Isles. (from Wikipedia on 31.10.16) . Primulaceae from Pangi – 2- id-Al012312-A: Another observation of Primula family from Pangi… Location Pangi Valley Himachal Not Primulaceae … It is Boraginaceae Myosotis alpestris ?? Thank you … and …, about it being Myosotis alpestris… I am sure … would be able to tell us a lot about it.. though it looks like it … but I am not aware of the various characteristics of the species… and without the fruits… maybe difficult Can it be Myosotis stricta as per Or is it Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa (Schultz) Hyl. ex Nordh. as per images by … herein ? By no means a Primula….it is a Boraginaceae member Or can it be Myosotis refracta subsp. chitralica Kazmi as per FOP & illustration herein. Once again I consider M.laxa subsp. laxa is ruled out because we can (just) detect some spreading hairs on the calyces. M.stricta/ refracta does not fit. So we are down to M.arvensis or M.sylvatica again (not forgetting M.asiatica, which I had on the two previous occasions but does not fit this). This appears less branched than two previous examples and what appear larger flowers. I am thus thinking of M.sylvatica on this occasion. . Herb for ID from Chopta Forest Uttarakhand-07012022-2: 5 high res. images. Please help with the ID of this herb, Myosotis?, clicked from Chopta forest, Uttarakhand, 1-6-2013 As per BSI checklist, two species agave distribution in Uttarakhand: Based on flower size it should be M. sylvatica, but never seen white flowers in Myosotis. . Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK Altitude: 43m. Date: 02 April 2022 Habit : Wild Myosotis ?? This is Myosotis sylvatica or woodland forget me not. Stems are hairy…see my pics below. It is a common garden flower in UK. ,, References: |
Myosotis sylvatica
Updated on December 24, 2024