Stellaria aquatica

Water star-wort, Water chickweed, Giant chickweed;
Decumbent or ascending perennial herb often reaching 1 m when getting support in wet situations; leaves opposite, lower petiolate, upper sessile, ovate, 2-6 cm long, base rounded or cordate, margin slightly undulate; flowers white 8-12 mm across, in few-flowered dichasial cymes, on slender pedicels; sepals oblong-lanceolate, 4-5 mm long in flower, up to 7 mm in fruit, glandular-pubescent outside, margin scarious; petals up to one and half times as long as calyx, deeply bilobed; capsule ovoid, 7-9 mm long.
Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench (=Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. can be easily overlooked among the population of Stellaria media (L.) Villars, as both have minute white flowers with 5 deeply bipartite petals. To distinguish them one needs a hand lens to count styles; 3 in S. media and 5 in M. aquaticum. Additionally, capsules are 6-valved with entire apices in S. media but M.aquaticum has 5 valves in capsule with lobes bifid at apices. Capsules are broader and larger in M. aquaticum but with smaller seeds.


stellaria id al021018:
Here is another photo of what I thought to be stellaria graminea… but have been mistaken in my id… and could be Stellaria aquatica instead…

– You will have to wait till you have well focussed flowers where styles can be counted. Till then it is Myosoton aquaticum


Wild flower for ID (30/06/2011 -NSJ-01): Location – Pahalgam Hills, Kashmir
Habitat- Wild (Herb ~ 1 foot tall)
Date June 02, 2011

Wild Flowers for ID : Gulmarg : 201011 : AK-3:
Tiny White flowers seen at Gulmarg on the 11th of Sept,11.
Small plants like herbs growing wild.
Flowers about 1 cm in size.
Can they be Cerastium species? C fontanum in FOI seems to resemble my picture.
Please validate.

Yes Sir, Myosotos aquaticum I have also found these flowers at Gulmarg in  June this year. One photo is attached herewith.

you copied my wrong spellings. actually it is my fault
It should be Myosoton aquaticum (syn: Stellaria aquatica)


Stellaria Sp for ID?-221111-PKA1:
Seen this herb at “Dachigam, Srinagar”. Looks like some Stellaria sp.?
Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 03:55PM
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit Herb.

Myosoton aquaticum
…, Luckily I could count 5 styles, otherwise it is really impossible to identify Stellaria (this was formerly S. aquatica) species from such flowers. It is time we develop habit of also taking photographs of leaves and twigs. They are very essential in most genera.


Myosoton aquaticum from Paddar valley J&K: Bot. name: Myosoton aquaticum

Family: Caryophyllaceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 2100 meters
Date: 19th May 2012

Yes … Good photographs


stellaria again…
So this last one would be… stellaria graminea.. ??

Please always upload with leaves to enable identification up to species level. The first is perhaps Stellaria media, second possibly Cerastium

Thanks …, Here’s a photo of the leaves..

This is Cerastium fontanum (syn: C. vulgatum)

Thank you …, You’re a walking encyclopedia… :))
So this last one would be… stellaria graminea..??

Not able to count number of styles but from leaves it looks like Myosoton aquaticum (syn: Stellaria aquatica) which differs from Stellaria in having 5 styles.
Stellaria graminea has much narrower almost grass-like leaves

I think the first image is of Stellaria media as per keys & images herein.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Cerastium sp. from Dalhousie:
This one was found growing in and around Dalhousie city.. shot in November 2011… identified tentatively as Cerastium fontanum…. I hope this is same as uploaded by me from Manali.. please help to identify..

Again Myosoton aquaticum


Caryophyllaceae Week: Myosoton aquaticum from Kashmir and Manali:
Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench., Meth. 225. 1794.

Syn: Cerastium aquaticum (L.) Fries; Stellaria aquatica Scop.
Decumbent or ascending perennial herb often reaching 1 m when getting support in wet situations; leaves opposite, lower petiolate, upper sessile, ovate, 2-6 cm long, base rounded or cordate, margin slightly undulate; flowers white 8-12 mm across, in few-flowered dichasial cymes, on slender pedicels; sepals oblong-lanceolate, 4-5 mm long in flower, up to 7 mm in fruit, glandular-pubescent outside, margin scarious; petals up to one and half times as long as calyx, deeply bilobed; capsule ovoid, 7-9 mm long.
Photographed from Kashmir and Manali



Caryophyllacceae week: For id from Manali..Cerastium sp.?:
This one was shot from Manali in October 2012…. fairly common in shady places.. I think this should be a Cerastium sp.. hope to get id..

Myosoton aquaticum



Caryophyllaceae Week: :Myosoton aquaticum from Dachigam Srinagar -PKA16:

Seen this herb at “Dachigam, Srinagar”.
Mumbai: Myosoton aquaticum
Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 03:55PM
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit Herb.

Yes …

Yes … All your Caryophyllaceae posts are very good. The flowers in top or front view look so beautiful with nice radial symmetry.


Amarnath Yatra: Cerastium fontanum ?? (NSJ-02 31/08/2013) : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Cerastium fontanum for ID
Photo taken at Pahalgam, Kashmir
Aug 09, 2013

efi page on Cerastium fontanum    

Myosoton aquaticum (Stellaria aquatica) I hope.


Panipat 2014: Cerastium for id :: NS March 08 : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This is one more species of Cerastium with much deeply cleft petals, recorded from the same place today (2.3.14)..
Please help to identify..

I think you missed it …
Deeply cleft petals (almost divided into two) is Stellaria and of course 5 distinct stigmas point to Stellaria aquatica now known as Myosoton aquaticum

Thanks a lot Sir for clarifying..

Requesting to please validate ID of this beautiful flower captured near Manali, HP in October 2014.
I hope this is Stellaria media (based on FoI pics).

efi page on Stellaria media   

In Stellaria media, the sepals are longer than petals; whereas in this case, petals are longer than sepals. Can probably be S. latifolia.

Myosoton aquaticum I hope

Thanks … for the ID… I went through the earlier posts on efi for Myosoton aquaticum
I could faintly count 5 styles in my pics 3 and 4.
Attaching a cropped pic.
Attachments (1)

Date: 6th August 2011
Plant location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 2160 meters asl
GPS: 33.33 N and 76.23 E
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant height: 1-2 feets

Petals are slightly confusing, but looks like Myosoton aquaticum. Please check whether petals are deeply lobed or not and number of styles. photograph of mature fruit should help.

And …, it is not a shrub, rather soft herb.

I am really sorry and I apology for writing Shrub in Subject line for identification of a herb. Actually I was thinking of uploading a shrub but at last moment I uploaded the herb and missed to change shrub in subject. Sir the the petals seems to be deeply lobed and the number of styles is 10 in this flower.

styles can’t be 10. They have to be 3 or 5, see above the ovary not surrounding (stamens) it.
Looking now at petals it may be Cerastium.

Perhaps Myosoton aquaticum

I also think it matches with images at Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench

Myosoton aquaticum is another plant I have no doubt walked past in the Himalaya without paying any attention to. Stewart records it in N.Pakistan & Kashmir at 1000-2400m (extending this to 3000m in his personally annotated final copy of his ‘Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Pakistan & Kashmir) with records from Tangmarg. Hooker named it Stellaria aquatica. Collet in ‘Flora Simlensis’ has it under Stellaria aquatica (as one would expect for a publication +/- a century old, he mostly followed Hooker’s ‘Flora of British India’ for nomenclature; he found it at Shimla & Narkunda, in wet places and along streams. It is a native of the UK, known as ‘Water Chickweed’.  In N.America, it has become something of an invasive weed. There are good illustrations at: illinoise Wild flowers  and


kalatope id al290411:
The forest is full of various small flowers.. this is one of them.. to
my untrained eyes they all looked the same and when I look again they
seem different… anyhow here’s this..
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 3-4 inches

You seem to be missing vital information. Photographs can be misleading, especially close ups unless you mention the size (leaves, flowers–length and dia), habitat, size of the plant and a few other things.

Can we have another close up. The styles are difficult to count in this flower.

I do realise the problem … the problem is that most of the time when I have taken these photos.. I am usually on the move in the field… working in the villages.. and often there is not much time I can spare for the flowers except quickly snap off a few photographs..
will try to locate this one and take the close up of the styles again

Could be Myosoton aquaticum but number of styles (5) needs to be verified.

Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench as per images herein.


Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench (accepted name) ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (16)

Location: Bojepokhari, Lalitpur, Nepal
Altitude: 4200 ft.
Date: 28 January 2017
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. (synonym) ??
If correct ID flowering period is not matching. None of Stellera is found flowering in January according to FofN!

I think matches with images at Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench


Myosoton aquaticum from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand_DSR_Feb.2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench (=Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. can be easily overlooked among the population of Stellaria media (L.) Villars, as both have minute white flowers with 5 deeply bipartite petals. To distinguish them one needs a hand lens to count styles; 3 in S. media and 5 in M. aquaticum. Additionally, capsules are 6-valved with entire apices in S. media but M.aquaticum has 5 valves in capsule with lobes bifid at apices. Capsules are broader and larger in M. aquaticum but with smaller seeds.
BSD (Herbarium of Botanical Survey of India, Dehradun) have no specimen collected from Uttarakhand.

Wonderfully explained, …

Weeds are beautiful_Stellaria media_RKC_05_111011:
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. for you.

Family: Caryophyllaceae
Loc.: Daejeon, S. Korea
Date: 09/10/11

To me styles appear to be five, it may be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein. Also leave margins are undulate.
Pl. check the details in the original picture with you & tell us.


Caryophyllaceae Week :: DV :: 03 JUN 08 – 0136 :: Stellaria media at Manali:
Stellaria media (L.) Vill.

stell-AR-ee-uh — stars, star-likeDave’s Botanary
MEED-ee-uh — average, middleDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: adder’s mouth, chick wittles, chickweed, passerina, satin-flower, starweed, starwort, stitchwort • Hindi: बुच बुचा buch-bucha • Manipuri: যেৰুম কৈৰুম yerum keirum
Native to: Europe, n Africa, temperate Asia; widely naturalized
References: Flowers of IndiaWikipediaNPGS / GRINPIER species info
at Manali on 04 JUN 08

after posting having posted this plant photos, I searched through archive of eFI … there are lot of posts related to Stellaria ! and to me it is difficult to tally aspects of my plant. Apologies for having posted it with a confident ID. With so many species of Stellaria and even some other genera with look-alike aspects; I am not comfortable with my ID. Please validate the ID of the posted plant.

Please allow a better view of flower to count number of flowers. A cropped photograph from original image.

I think Stellaria media only, a more hairy form.

As styles appear to be five, it may be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein.


Hooghly Today : Stellaria media (L.) Vill.? or Stellaria media var. media ?:

Both GRIN and The Plant List list Stellaria media (L.) Vill.
The Plant List also lists Stellaria media var. media, one of its synonym is Stellaria monogyna D. Don.
But, neither GRIN nor The Plant List describes a plant (do they?).
FoC has two varieties of Stellaria media (L.) Vill.
In addition to above FoC also describes Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
This species, a wild small decumbent herb, more or less a ft high differs in all of the above either in 1) flowering season, 2) number of styles, 3) number of stamens or in more than single feature.
But, this species conforms to Stellaria media L. of “Bengal Plants”, along with Stellaria media L. = Stellaria monogyna D. Don = Alsinella wallichiana Benth. of F. B. I. i. 230.
What will be its current accepted name?

Stellaria media (L.) Vill. is based on Alsine media L., and S. monogyna is a synonym of of it

It would be sufficient to list it as such unless we are also listing a variant also say for Stellaria media var. micrantha (Hayata) T. S. Liu & S. S. Yingvar. Now we would have two taxa, one the original typical plant which would get automatically named as Stellaria media (L.) Vill. var media (an autonym, as it is automatically created so no author name).
In a way when we are listing simply Stellaria media, it means we are referring Stellaria media var. media.
Now one of the blunders of The Plant List. It lists Stellaria media subsp. cupaniana (Jord. & Fourr.) Nyman; logically whenever such a subspecies name is created the original type should become Stellaria media subsp. media, and if the two varieties are to be retained they would have names as Stellaria media (L.) Vill. subsp. media var. media and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. subsp. media var. micrantha (Hayata) T. S. Liu & S. S. Yingvar.
But then perhaps no one associated with The Plant List knows these basics of Botanical nomenclature.

Now, i think i can understand a bit how naming convention goes into plant taxonomy. I had no clear idea earlier.
Thank you very very much for explaining.

As styles appear to be five, it may be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein.

Yes …, It is S. aquatica.


Stellaria media at Sainj Ropa – GHNP – PKA94 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Seen this herb at Sainj Ropa at GHNP.
Date/Time: 03-10-2014 / 09:00AM
Bot. name: Stellaria media
Family: Caryophyllaceae

As styles appear to be five, it may be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein.

Stellaria media (L.) Vill. ??? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Ramkot, Kathmandu, Nepal  
Date: 26 March 2017
Altitude: 4400 ft.

I think appears close to images at Stellaria media

Myosoton aquaticum, now known as Stellaria aquatica (Caryophyllaceae) to me. % styles differentiate it from S. media.
Our S. media page need re-examination as some of the pics are of this (S.aquatica) species.

Thanks, …, for pointing out.
Yeah,  some images appears to be different at EFI page. That lead me to confirm the I’d.

Thanks to all. Link

Which one should be the accepted name ?
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop.

POWO says about Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench:
First published in Methodus: 225 (1794)
Not accepted by
Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2011). Index synonymique de la flore d’Afrique du nord 3: 1-449. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève. [Cited as Stellaria aquatica.]

for ID 050609ET114 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

I took this flower  picture while trekking from 2100 metre level to
2800 metre level at Great Himalayan National Park on 12th May, 2009.
Kindly give ID .

I think … Stellaria media

Appears to be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein

Request for ID 090909 Dudh Pathri 3 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)

Photos taken at Dudh Pathri, Jammu & Kashmir.
Date- 09th August 2009.

… most probably … Stellaria media (syn. Alsine media)

It does look like a Stellaria species. However, a bit too hairy for
Stellaria media.
I would look for a Cerastium species. Since it is from J & K,
… might be able to make a better guess.

You are worried about hairyness, plus I also am finding half or less divided petals (though one petals seems to be divided nearly to the base) negating Stellaria. I find at least one fruit suggesting apical teeth of Cerastium. …, do you have some other photographs for better decision.

attaching one more photo…  Attachments (1)

I think Stellaria media only

Let me say here why I think this is not Stellaria media.
1. In Stellaria media, stems are hairless, with a single line of
hairs. In … pics, the stem is overall hairy.
2. In Stellaria media, leaves are also hairless. In … pics,
leaves are quite hairy.
The genus Stellaria has many more confusingly similar species. I think we need to explore more.

Stellaria lanata is one candidate I am looking at – unfortunately
cannot find any pic on the web.

I am learning a lot from your keen observations.
I found one more photo but it is from totally different place…
It is not from Dudh Pathari,,,, It is photographed at ‘Aru’ ‘अडू’, Leader Vally लिडर व्‍हॅली, Jammu & Kashmir.
Date 05th August 2009.
Is it the same???
Attachments (1)

It is Lidder valley, not Leader valley
I would say Stellaria media

Appears to be Stellaria aquatica as per keys & images herein

Herb for ID, Lower Manimahesh, Himachal Pradesh NAW- SEP17-17 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this herb with white flowers photographed along the trail to Manimahesh at the altitude of about 2000 metres in June 2017.

Stellaria aquatica (Caryophyllaceae) to me.

SK795 13 OCT-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location :  Tatopani, Pokhara, Nepal 
Date : 12 April  2017
Elevation : 5000 ft.
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. ??/?

Stellaria latifolia (Benth. ex Royle) Edgew. & Hook. fil.  as you have mentioned in SK799 14 OCT-2017:ID ?

To me appears more closer to Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. rather that at Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar as per images herein.

Flower for Id -30032019SH3 : 13 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1)- 401 kb.
Flower for id pl.
Location – Latpanchar (Near Darjeeling), West Bengal
Date – March 2019

Stellaria media to me.

flowers chickweed but the s. media i know to have hairy edged leaves. here they are not

Stellaria media seems correct ID.

I will suggest comparing with Mysoton aquaticum

thanks … i am sure … will do the needful

Thanks … Some Chickweed species but not sure about which one. I think my pic is not showing centre part very clearly. Hence can’t see the androecium properly.

I agree with …, for id as Stellaria aquatica

need habitat pictures and some idea of the sizes: flowers across, largest leaves



SK 2867 27 January 2021: 7 very high resolution images.

Location: Chandragiri
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 1800m.
Habitat : Wild
Stellaria neglecta Weihe ??

Isn’t it Stellaria aquatica?

I could not decide !

Yes, it appears close to images at Stellaria aquatica as suggested by …
Could not check the key between the two as eflora links not working (if we have keys there).

Looks ok to me !


Stellaria himalayensis: 3+3+ 2 high res. images.
Habit: Small herbaceous plant. 
Weak stem. 
Petals 10.
Location: Kulgam, J&K.

Yes from me.

For me too yes

Images at Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar are creating a doubt in my mind.
Do you have an image of the complete plant in a single frame and a habitat image ?

3 images.

I feel it may be some other species.
IBP says “sepals 4, lanceolate, base truncate, margins narrow scarious, apex acute to acuminate, persistent, about 5-7 mm long, petals 4, oblong, white, about twice as long as sepals,….”

Also see GBIF specimens.

In this sp. Petals are 5..divided in two resembles like 10 petals.

do you have close-up of flower, I want to exclude the possibility of Mysoton aquaticum (5 styles vs 2 in S. himalayensis

Yes, …, style is another issue.

Closeup photographs
2 images.

It resembles with Mysoton aquaticum.

Yes Myosoton aquaticum


Updated on December 24, 2024

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