Narcissus jonquilla (Germany)

by Nalini, Identified by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg)




daffodils on a traffic island in Ritterhude: Place: Ritterhude
53°10’59?N   8°45’22?E
Elevation 10 m  (33 ft)

Looks like some Narcissus to me. 

Yes it is Narcissus, most probably N. jonquilla, because N. pseudonarcissus has larger flowers occurring singly. From a distance the flowers look smaller and I think in clusters. 

daffodils on a trafic island in Ritterhude — 2: At the risk of my life i went again to the traffic island and took these fotos.

Yes Narcissus jonquilla, at least the first one. Are they different colours or different shaded of light? The second looks darker and corona longer!

different angle, perhaps diff shade. They are the same flowers.
Thanks for the identification.
I saw similar small Narzissen in white, while driving to Bremen. They were wilting too. The yellow ones (in the foto) are totally dry now.
Next year I will watch them better.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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