Naregamia alata

Naregamia alata Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 117 1834.  (Syn. Naregamia dentata Miq. ex Hook. fil.; Turraea alata (Wight & Arn.) M. Cheek (ambiguous synonym); Turraea alata Wight & Arn. (ambiguous synonym));
India: Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India;
Goanese ipecac, Goanese ipecacuanh • Hindi: पित्तमारी pitmari, तीनपर्णी tinparni • Kannada: ನೆಲಬೇವು nelabevu • Konkani (in Goa): पित्तमारी pitmari, तीनपानी tinpani • Malayalam: നിലനാരകം nilanarakam • Sanskrit: अम्लवल्ली amlavalli, त्रिपर्णिक triparnika;

ANMAR40/62 Naregamia alata : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Meliaceae
Date: 21st March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala

Habit: Herb


are we from the same planet?

never seen it, superb pictures and something totally new to me

Haha! Indeed an odd flower. The flower size to rest-of-the-plant ratio blew me away.



Rutaceous herb from Udupi area of Karnataka : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Wild herb from Udupi dt Karnataka

Naregamia alata Wight & Arn. [Meliaceae].

Another herb from Kudremukh growing roadside.
Size of the flower 5cm.

–  Naregamia alata … commonly known as: Goanese ipecac, Goanese ipecacuanh • Hindi: पित्तमारी pitmari,  तीनपर्णी tinparni • Kannada: ನೆಲಬೇವು nelabevu • Konkani (in Goa): पित्तमारी pitmari, तीनपानी tinpani • Malayalam: നിലനാരകം nilanarakam • Sanskrit: अम्लवल्ली amlavalli, त्रिपर्णिक triparnika

– The plant definitely looks to be the same as your picture in FOI as well as searching on google.
efi thread
The family is Meliaceae. The typical stamenal tube is visible here too.

Kindly find attached the pic of Naregamia alata as reported by …, during is recent birding excursion to Kerala and Goa, last month. As per FoI website this plant is reported as rare and endemic to the region.
I thank … for reporting the sighting.

PS : The attached pic is under the ownership of …

I got this same plant from Karwar hills, Karnataka. Found abundant every where in the hills.

Coming back after a long time.
During the on-going monsoon, the roadside of Kaiga Region is filled with this flower.
Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_08062012 PJ1.
Date/Time-:08/06/12 – 11:00 am
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb

Length- 25cm

This is Naregamia alata of Meliaceae family.

Naregamia alata : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Naregamia alata
Urulanthanny, Thattekkad, near Kothamangalam
First week of October 2018

Lovely images. I have no idea of this plant. I don’t think it grows in Delhi or around the area.

Thank you … i saw it for the time as well. apparently it is a rare shrub. endemic to peninsular India

some useful links


Yes, it’s …, Weed word is correct for this?

At the outset your photographs are awesome…. superb !!! Yes. the ID is correct. I have seen this plant in a few places in Western Ghats and  plenty in Wayanadu. Unable to trace my photographs. It is a very very important medicinal herb in Kerala., used for the treatment of various diseases like eczema; pruritus, scabies, jaundice, anaemia, asthama, bronchitis, arthritis, biliousness, phlegm vomiting.

I think if you write wild instead of weed, it will be better, as most of the plants have medicinal values, for some we know and for others it is yet to be discovered.

Thank you very much for confirmed the weed plant, …
Thank you very much for the appreciation and providing more information, …
Thank you very much for the appreciation and providing link, … I agree with you. I pronounced my plants as ‘weed’ because here these are not cultivated, rare and totaly aware by ‘new gen’, but I understand from ‘efloraofindia’ that all are cultivated for medicinal uses outside my area. I didn’t use pesticides or weedicide, so all most all plants are growing as ‘weeds’ in my property.


Updated on December 24, 2024