Crateva species- Near Kolhapur




Id of a tree: Posting a photo of tree in full blossom for id.
Location – Near Kolhapur on the way to Devgad.
Date -16..2.2013 at 9.00am.

Please check with Crateva religiosa G.Forst

I was also of the same opinion, but leaflets looked longer than usual to me for C. religiosa… can be due to being a distant shot..

I agree with you … Some of the images on the web show smaller and little broader leaflets in case of C.religiosa.Can it be C.magna as suggested by …?

This should be Crateva adansonii, though the picture does not show flowers clearly. The tree should have been near a water course.

Last year I had seen the flowers of Crateva adansonii (वायवर्ण/वरूण) in Mumbai but the tree was totally leaf-less. So I am not sure about the identity of this posted image. To me, the flowers looked little different than the C.adansonii and there was no water source nearby. Anyhow, I am really sorry for the distant image.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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