Nemesia fruticans Benth., Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 22 1836. (syn: Antirrhinum capense Thunb.; Antirrhinum fruticans Thunb.; Linaria capensis F.Dietr.; Linaria frutescens (Thunb.) F.Dietr.; Linaria fruticans Spreng.; Nemesia angustifolia A.L.Grant ex Range; Nemesia capensis (F.Dietr.) Kuntze; Nemesia divergens Benth.; Nemesia foetens Vent.; Nemesia gracillima Dinter; Nemesia odoratissima Dinter ex Range);
Zimbabwe to S. Africa: Botswana, Cape Provinces, Free State, Namibia, Northern Provinces, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
Nemesia fruticans (Thunb.) Benth.
Common name: Cape snapdragon
Cultivar: ‘Blue Bird’
The species typically is a perennial herb, but often cultivated as annual, flowers are characterised by yellow protuberance in the throat, are typically mauve, but this cultivar ‘Blue Bird’ has blue flower often flushed with light blue.
Photographed from Fremont, California, 11-11-2017
Nemesia fruticans ‘Aromance Pink’
Another cultivar of Nemesia fruticans with sweet-scented, pink colored flowers.
Photographed from San Francisco Botanical Garden, California, 21-10-2017
Linaria bipartita (Vent) Willd., Enum. pl. 2:640. 1809
Common name: cloven-lip toadflax
Annual ornamental herb up to 35 cm tall with linear 10-14 mm long leaves and violet-purple flowers in terminal spike-like racemes; palate orange, upper lip deeply 2-parted, with long curved spur.
you are right it can’t be L. bipartita because pedicels, sepals and bracts are all glandular (all glabrous in L. bipartita)
Should be L. maroccana (infl. open, flowers few, sepals lanceolate), in other species L. pinifolia infl. is very dense, flowers smaller and sepals broadly ovate
I think it is not even L. maroccana as spur is much shorter, it is one and a half times as long as corolla in that species.
I hope Nemesia fruticans ‘Blue Bird’
References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos IPNI