Nemesia strumosa (Introduced)

Nemesia strumosa Benth., Compan. Bot. Mag. 2:18. 1836 (syn: Antirrhinum strumosum Banks ex Benth.);
South Africa (W-Cape Prov.), Canada (I) (Quebec (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Nemesia, Pouch nemesia, Capejewels





Reg Flower ID :  2 images.

Kindly help in naming these flowers which bloomed in mid February in Delhi NCR.

I hope Nemesia strumosa

Nemesia strumosa ‘Angelart Orange’

Cultivar of Nemesia strumosaannual species with linear to lanceolate toothed leaves, and flowers with bearded corolla, spotted on yellow ground  and pouch at base. The cultivar is also named ‘Kirine-15’
Photographed from Filoli Gardens, California, 19-6-2019.


Nemesia strumosa
Annual herb with bearded corolla throat and dark spots on yellow ground.
Photographed Delhi University Flower Show, 27-2-2009.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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