Nepeta lamiopsis

Nepeta lamiopsis Benth. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 659 1885. (syn: Glechoma lamiopsis (Benth. ex Hook.f.) Kuntze)
Himalaya to Tibet:  East Himalaya, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Benth, mss. ; stems ascending subsimple flaccid sparsely hairy, leaves few sessile or petioled broadly ovate-cordate obtuse coarsely crenate, floral large, whorls dense-fld., lower axillary, upper in ovoid spikes, bracts orbicular and green crenate or narrower or linear, calyx 1/3 in. pubescent, mouth oblique, teeth slender diverging as long as the tube, nutlets broadly oblong.
Alpine Sikkim Himalaya ; alt. 12-16,000 ft., J. D. H.
Stems succulent, 6-18 in. Leaves 1/2-1.1/2 in., flaccid ; petiole 0-1/2 in., floral sessile Axillary whorls few, much shorter than the leaves, terminal in an ovoid spike 1/2-1.1/2 in. ; bracts sometimes all linear. Corolla deep blue, tube twice as long as the calyx, limb small. Nutlets about 1/14 in. long.—Habit of a Lamium.
(Attributions- IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))


Request for plant identification from Paddar valley J&K 090712: Request for ID

Kindly identify this plant
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 2100 meters asl
Date: 14 April 2012
Habit/habitat: Wild spreading herb
Height: 15-20 cms

looks like Dracocephalum sp.

I tried matching all the species found in India at Dracocephalum, but could not succeed.
Can it be from some other genus ?

Nepeta lamiopsis Benth. ex Hook.f.


VOF Week: Lamiaceae sp. for ID from Vasundhara Falls:
Seen this Lamiaceae sp. enroute Vasundhara Falls. Could this be some Nepeta sp.??

may be Nepeta discolor??

Thanks … for suggesting the ID. It does tallies with Nepeta discolor.

I thought N. discolor has grey to white tomentose undersurface of leaves. I see no such tinge even in slightly upturned leaves.

Looks matching!

EFlora of Pakistan
” Leaves thickish textured, 7-20 x 7-12 mm, greenish above, villous or densely white tomentose below with sessile oil globules”
FBI “Leaves often white with appressed tomentum beneath”

I think this may be Nepeta lamiopsis as per references herein.


SK602 27 JUN-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Kagbeni, Mustang, Nepal
Date: 9 April  2017
Altitude: 10500 ft.

Lamiaceae? Nepeta ?

Yes, some possibility.

You seem to be right … !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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