Neurocalyx calycinus (R.Br. ex Benn.) Rob., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 45: 402 1910. (Syn: Argostemma calycinum R.Br. ex Benn.; Neurocalyx capitata Benth. ex Hook.f.; Neurocalyx hookerianus Wight; Neurocalyx wightii Arn.); . S. India, SW. Sri Lanka as per POWO; . Large herbs, pubescent. Leaves to 26 x 7 cm, oblanceolate, acute at apex, rusty puberulus; nerves to 18 pairs, prominent below; stipule 2 cm long, obovate, 2-fid at apex. Racemes 10-13 cm long, axillary, rarely branched; bracts lanceolate. Flowers white, pedicelled; calyx tube hemispherical, lobes 5, 8 x 5 mm, ovate; corolla tube absent, lobes 5 x 3 mm, ovate, twisted; stamens 5, anthers connate into a conical tube; ovary 2-celled, ovules many, style slender. Capsule irregularly bursting, 4 x 4 mm; seeds many, pitted. Flowering and fruiting: May-August Evergreen forests South West India (Attributions-Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . ANAPR01 Please identify this shrub : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (13) Can this be an Ardisia sp.? I am not sure of ID; the pictures are wonderful. Interesting plant and very nice pictures! Thank you sir. I unfortunately cannot match it to anything in Gamble. May be someone from Kerala can help out with this one. May be Neurocalyx calycinus (R. Br. ex Bennett) Robins. of Rubiaceae The specimen is Neurocalyx calycinus (R. Br. ex Bennett) Robins. – Rubiaceae usually found in forest floors of evergreen forests. As our observations go, it is found in undisturbed areas inside evergreen forests, close to or on the rock crevices near streams and streamlets. Thank you very much … Thank you very much too … The habitat you described perfectly matches the place I found it in– Meenmutti falls in Aralam WLS. They were growing on rocks and also on the soil. . 180 ID wild plant: 15 images. Please ID wild plant, very rare, only 12 plants. 3 months after first visit, I didn’t find any fruit/seed but found some non decayed shedded flowers, feels hardest base and I assume that it as fruit/seed (image #…..). Plant continuous its blooming. It is growing without sunlight, the camera automatically adjusted brightness. Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 23.08.2021, 02.00pm Habitat: wild, moisture, stream side, muddy wall, filtered or no sunlight Plant habit: small shrub, erect, branches, weak fleshy stem 05mm base diameter, wings on knees, hairy, annual/perennial Height: 08 inches Leaves: opposite, oblong, apex, size:25×06cm or less Flower: racemose inflorescence pendulous, diameter:21mm, white, 04 months blooming, flowers lasts for several days and shedded as opened stage, soft petals, non fragrant Fruit: cone shaped, white into brown, size:3.5×3mm Seed: Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Neurocalyx wightii now Neurocalyx calycinus Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant. I received only fruit image and mistakenly understand it as flower image, I am sharing seed image and information, Seed: brown, numerous, micro granular .
1. The leaves are simple, obovate (?) 2. The inflorescence ar axillary racemes. 3. The flowers are pink and flimsy, the anthers come together to form staminal column, within which the stigma appears to be exerted. Agasthyamalai biosphere reserve Thiruvananthapuram This appears close to images at
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Neurocalyx calycinus
Updated on December 24, 2024