Inclusion of new species in efloraofindia

As you are aware we Efloraofindia site already have around 13,000 species displayed with images from all over the India subcontinent, which is seen all over the world.
But a lot of species/ subsp./ varieties/ new records etc. which you have published, may not have been displayed/ listed here.
If publication is free for circulation, it can be sent to me along with the images on my mail, so that it is forwarded to our group for inclusion.
If it is not free for circulation, you may send images (which are free for circulation) to me, so that these are incorporated in the site.
Copyrights remain with the concerned member only.

Already we have more than 2.5 lakh images (most of the posted images) displayed in our site efloraofindia as thumbnails (which open up to the original size on clicking).

If you have any queries, pl. let me know.

What do you think ? Will the people come forward ?

Trying is the best thing we can do.

Lets hope for good results.

Thanks, … Yes. That should be the spirit.
Already two big Experts have agreed. But it may take some time, as they will do so when they are free.

We can request/ forward among our respective circles. Maybe someone will come forward. 

I was wondering if we could develop an app for efloraofindia. It will be too easy to upload the images using our mobile phones from the field itself.

We could also think of collecting small voluntary contributions from the members. 
Other members may comment.

Thanks, …, for the suggestion.
Images can be directly posted to our group from field from Gallary via email on mobile Gmail App. or other mail Apps.

Than it will be suitably placed in efi site by me after feedback and validation, on the group.
For contributions, I think we do not need it right now.

Agree with you all, we may go ahead with suggestions.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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