Please identify this plant. : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Location- Northeast east, India Mountainous forest Habitat- attached to a decaying tree. Structure – similar to a cup with stalk. Its hairy outside. brodly classified as Birds nest fungus. this seems to be a Cyathus sp. a fungus. wait for fungus expert to opine. Nope… not the Bird’s nest… I’d rather think Eyelash fungi (Cookeina sp)…. but something tells me it is not even that… perhaps because of the inner wall being white… hmmmm….. Ok, thanks. yes, my friend say also Teuerlinge, what … has written. My friend is fungus expert, i am not. If I don’t come further i ask him. I also agree with … that it may be some Cookeina species |
Cookeina species- Northeast India
Updated on December 24, 2024