Nothoscordum bivalve (Introduced) ?

Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britton, Ill. Fl. N. U.S. 1: 415 1896. (syn: Allium bivalve (L.) Kuntze;  Geboscon bivalve (L.) House; Oligosma bivalve (L.) Salisb., not validly publ.; Ornithogalum bivalve L.; Ornithogalum pulchellum Salisb., nom. superfl.; Allium bivalve var. bangii Kuntze; Allium bivalve var. flavescens (Kunth) Kuntze; Allium bivalve var. sellowianum (Kunth) Kuntze; Allium bivalve var. striatum (Jacq.) Kuntze; Allium canadense Michx.; Allium flavescens Poepp. ex Kunth; Allium ornithogaloides Walter; Allium sellowianum (Kunth) Regel; Allium striatellum Lindl.; Allium striatum Jacq.; Allium subbiflorum Colla; Geboscon geminatum (Raf.) Raf.; Geboscon striatum (Jacq.) Raf.; Nothoscordum flavescens Kunth; Nothoscordum gramineum Beauverd; Nothoscordum gramineum var. flavescens Fuentes; Nothoscordum gramineum var. philippianum Beauverd; Nothoscordum gramineum var. vernum Fuentes; Nothoscordum ornithogaloides (Walter) Kunth; Nothoscordum philippianum Kunth & C.D.Bouché; Nothoscordum sellowianum Kunth; Nothoscordum striatum (Jacq.) Kunth; Nothoscordum subbiflorum (Colla) Walp.; Nothoscordum texanum M.E.Jones; Tristagma subbiflorum (Colla) Ravenna; Brodiaea subbiflora (Colla) Baker; Hookera subbiflora Kuntze; Milla subbiflora (Colla) Baker; Ornithogalum carolinianum Schult. & Schult.f.; Ornithogalum gramineum Sims);
Temp. & Subtropical America: Alabama, Argentina Northeast, Arizona, Arkansas, Bolivia, Chile Central, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Peru, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Uruguay, Virginia as per POWO;

Nothoscordum bivalve.: 1 high res. image.
Habit Herb. 

Location: Ganderbal, Jammu and Kashmir

Date of collection: 01 April 2021.

The only thing worrying me is that I could not find its record in India, in the net. Nothing is found about it being introduced elsewhere as per POWO and CoL.
If you have any, pl. let me know.
However, it seems to match as per images and details at

Another species reported from India is Nothoscordum gracile as per Note on Occurrence of Fragrant False Garlic [ Nothoscordum gracile (Aiton) Stearn] in India, but looks some different as per this and Pacific Bulb society (both species). This species has been widely introduced in many parts of the world as per POWO.

Should we consider this sp. A new record for India.?

You should work with Experts from your area, to validate the id and publish, if proven right.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Flora of North America (KEYS) FoNA illustration  Wildflower center  Ilinoiswildflowers  Missouri Plants  Pacific Bulb society

Updated on December 23, 2024

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