Nymphoides krishnakesara var. bispinosa

Nymphoides krishnakesara var. bispinosa P. Biju, E. J. Josekutty, K. A. Muhammed Haneef and Jomy Augustine, Telopea Vol 20 (2017);

Nymphoides krishnakesara var. bispinosa (Menyanthaceae), a new taxon from Kerala : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – Nymphoides.pdf

Please find attached a PDF of a recently published paper as above which may be found useful.


Nymphoides krishnakesara var. bispinosa (Menyanthaceae), a new taxon from the lateritic plateau of Northern Kerala, India (Abstract-A new taxon Nymphoides krishnakesara var. bispinosa, is described and illustrated from ponds on the lateritic plateau of northern Kerala, India. It is distinguished from the similar N. krishnakesara var. krishnakesara by the presence of two stout spines on seeds, and pinkish tinged veins on the floating leaves. A detailed description, illustration of both male and female plants, photographs of a specimen from the type location, and a table of comparative characters are provided. )
Updated on December 24, 2024

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