Oberonia brachyphylla Blatt. & McCann, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 35: 257 1931.;
India (N. Karnataka) as per POWO;
Oberonia recurva flowering: Thanks for your feedback. Sending a few more photographs of the orchids. They were taken by my friend Jayesh Timbadia. Hope this helps you to identify it.
I am not very much sure about the identity.. Is there any possibilty for Oberonia brachyphylla.
Can you please send me a better resolution pictures of closeup of flower/ I need to compare it with other specimens of …
I think this is either Oberonia recurva or brachyphylla. On the basis of narrow oblong petals which is triangular in O. recurva, this is Oberonia brachyphylla.