Ocimum americanum

Hoary Basil, Wild basil, Lemon basil • Hindi: Kali tulasi • Manipuri: Mayangton • Marathi: Ran-tulshi • Tamil: Nai Thulasi • Malayalam: Kattu-tulasi • Telugu: Kukka Thulasi • Kannada: Nayi tulasi • Bengali: Kalo-tulashi • Sanskrit: Kshudraparna, Gambhira;
Complete set of Keys for Indian Species available on efi page Ocimum.
Although they may be confused, Leaves are usually shorter than 2.5 cm narrower than 1.5 cm in O. americanum, always longer than 2.5 cm and broader than 1.5 cm in O. basilicum. Corolla 3-5 mm long in former, 6-9 mm long in latter. fruiting calyx 4-5 mm long in former, 5-7 in latter. Both are herbs with fruiting calyx ascending or spreading, upper calyx lobe circular with wings decurrent (joined) to middle of calyx, and front two teeth of calyx quite distinct.
O. gratissimum is a shrub with wooly leaves 5-12 cm long and 1.5-6 cm broad, fruiting calyx drooping, up to 5 mm long and corolla 4.5-5 mm long. Upper calyx lobe has wings only slightly decurrent on calyx, and front two teeth very close to each other.
Calyx tube is bearded within in all above species
O. tenuiflorum (O. sanctum) has 2-4 cm long leaves, calyx glabrous within, fruiting calyx spreading, 4-5.5 mm long, corolla 3-4 mm long. upper calyx lobe abruptly acute, lower two teeth long, spine-tipped.


efloraindia: 281111 BRS 214:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: CODISIA Road, Coimbatore
Date: 27.11.2011
Habitat: Urban Road side
Habit: Herb.
Leaf gives aromatic smell like vicks

Ocimum species, (family- Lamiaceae) mostly found in open places, commonly called as Ram-tulas in Maharashtra,,

looks like Ocimum americanum

I agree with … id: Ocimum americanum (= O. canum).

… which Ocimum species ? : Attachments (4 + 2 + 2). 9 posts by 4 authors.
Wild growing Tulasi among Alternanthera thicket.
Place: Vaghbil, Thane
Habitat: near creek
Date: 28 NOV 09

A few shots of lateral and lower calyx teeth should be helpful.

IT may be Ocimum canum. as it hav corolla purple in colour… others who r experts plz verify..

According to GRIN as well as eFlora of Pakistan, O. canum is now correctly known as O. americanum.
For identity of these photographs, I will wait for few more days to study specimens here.

… attaching another photo … couple of close-ups of the calyces.

I think this matches with the plant posted by me few days back IDed as Ocimum basilicum L. var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth. …

The two photographs now sent by … clearly establish broader lateral calyx lobes, and non-approximate front teeth. They point to O. americanum or O. basilicum. Leaves in … photographs appear distinctly smaller than those sent few days back by …. If leaves are smaller than 2.5 cm and narrower than 2 cm and corolla shorter than 5.5 mm, it is O. Americanum, if longer than 3 cm and corolla longer than 6 mm it would be O. basilicum.
Perhaps we can explore more.

I request you to kindly have relook at your specimens. Whereas the specimens posted by … clearly belong to O. basilicum var. pilosum, your plant to me looks to be with smaller leaves. Since we are desperately looking for authentic specimens of O. americanum, I request you to kindly observe the size of leaves, length of corolla, size of calyx in flower and also in fruit to allow us to reach any conclusion. O. americanum just a mini version of O. basilicum.

I just returned from the site — deprived of its share of nutrients by the dominating Alternanthera plants, the Ocimum plants are drained of all its sap.
Regret having not digged deeper at the earlier instance.
Next Ocimum time, will remember your points.

MS/August/2/ 2019 : ID of the plant from Chennai – Ocimum sps : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify the Ocimum species (photo sent from Chennai)

O. americanum,

Tulsi plant taste like kapoor need id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Tulsi plant taste like kapoor need id
Agra, U.P
27 October 19

Ocimum kilimadscharicum crushed leaf smells like camphor.
But this smell should not be made a basis for ID.
Because taste and smell perception is variable across people as well as individual plants, and I suspect plant’s age too.

Appears close to Ocimum americanum L. as per comparative images at Ocimum

09122019EPT42 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)- around 600 kb each.
Stevia rebaudiana ? Sweet tulsi – Seeni tulsi in Tamil
Please confirm.
Location : Chennai outskirts
Date :2.11.2019
Elevation : 20 mts.
Habitat : cultivated 
Habit : Short herbal plant

instead of flowers please post full face on photos of the leaves both front and back. more the merrier

Not Stevia rebaudiana, which belongs to ASTERACEAE. If you eat the leaves it will be very very sweet. A substitute for sugars. Powder of the leaves/ extract sold in markets. Very costly.
But your plant is different- Lamiaceae member. Need to check before suggesting ID.

Appear as some species of Ocimum (Lamiaceae); not Stevia. Please compare with available species of Ocimum in eFI at-https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a–-l/l/lamiaceae/ocimum

This appears to be close to Ocimum americanum L. as per comparative images at Ocimum


ID request for Ocimum SD105: 4 images.

Ocimum americanum

Yes from me also. Ocimum americanum. A common weed here.

ID Request 091214SG : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help identify this bush seen in wild about 3-5’ height.
Photo taken on 7Dec14 at Ujani dam, Maharashtra.

Pl. check with comparative images at Ocimum

Ocimum americanum L.  ??

Yes, appears close to images at Ocimum americanum L.


Ocimum ¿ species ?
Please ID … not sure of dimensions.
at a spice farm in Goa on December 29, 2011

Reminds of ocimum kilimandscharicum but not very sure.

Thank you very much …; will wait for validating comment(s).

Thank you for sharing.

To me appears cl
ose to images at Ocimum americanum L.


Ocimum Species for ID : Nasik : 06JAN22 : AK – 05: 3 images.
Another Ocimum Species seen in the same plant nursery.

The name was given as Vaijayanti, known for its use in Shirdi Sai Baba garland.
I was also told this is the best for blood purification.
The leaf had a peculiar taste on eating.

For Species id please.

Maybe Ocimum americanum L.
Pl. post high res. images to check the details.

Here it is..

Yes, it appears close.


Lamiacae: Ocimum americanum L.: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Ocimum canum Sims
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994




Updated on December 24, 2024

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