Ocotea lancifolia


Habit- Trees up to 8 m tall.

Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets terete, glabrous.
Leaves- Leaves simple, alternate, spiral, clustered at twig ends; petiole 0.3-2 cm long; lamina 7.5-20 x 1.7-6.5 cm, narrow elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate to caudate, base narrowly attenuate, glabrous, glaucous beneath; midrib slightly raised above; secondary nerves 9-13 pairs, slender; tertiary nerves reticulo-percurrent.
Inflorescence / Flower- Inflorescence axillary or subterminal slender panicles, to 10 cm long; usually bisexual or rarely polygamous; perianth yellow; anthers 4 celled.
Fruit and Seed- Berry, ellipsoid, black, 1.3 cm long; seeds 1.
Rare understorey trees in evergreen forests, between 900 and 1600 m.
India and Myanmar; in the Western Ghats- rare in South and Central Sahyadris.
Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry. )




Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 060614 : AK-13 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Tree seen inside the Corbett area.

Small trees, local name was given as ‘Kikar’.
This was not the ones we know as ‘Kikar’, the Acacia & Prosopis trees, but a different tree.


Thanks for a possible id..
The leaves were dark green in color and was informed by the guide these trees are not of much use.

In Kumaon Phoebe lanceolata, now known as Ocotea lancifolia (Lauraceae) is known as Kekra which sounds closer to Kikar.

Thanks for this id.
It does sound closer to the local given name by the guide.

Flora of Manipur: Phoebe : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Phoebe lanceolata from Manipur.

The leaves of this plant is bright red when young


Updated on December 24, 2024