Odisha cleistantha S.Misra, Orchids India 252 2007 (= Habenaria pelorioides non E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.);
Orchidaceae: Odisha cleistantha S.Misra (= Habenaria pelorioides non E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.) : 2 posts by 1 author. Odisha cleistantha S.Misra, Orchids India: 252 (2007)
Recently this plant has been established as a new species by Dr. Sarat Misra as Odisha cleistantha S.Misra. For long even Dr. Misra and me used to call it as Habenaria pelorioides E.C.Parish & Rchb.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 139 (1874).
Family: Orchidaceae
Location: Jharkhand Distribution: India (Orissa and Jharkhand) Note: Cleistantha because the flowers never open up completely and seems it undergo self pollination and also because anthers are almost fused to the rostellum.
Want to be a member : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) I Sarat Misra, Orchidologist, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India want to be a member in the e flora group. I have gone through your website and highly impressed with it. It is quite a good medium to share scientific information.
Please accept me as a member of this group.
Secondly I want to share following Information in this group. It is on the diagnostic character of the genus Odisha S Misra under the plant family Orchidaceae.
Odisha S. Misra is a monotypic terrestrial genus in the plant family Orchidaceae under the subfamily Orchidoideae (Orch. Orissa: 251. 2007). It differs from the genus Habenaria Willd. mainly in the structure of the anther and the stigma. In Odisha the anther is two-loculed, the locules longitudinally divided by a membranous septum, without basal canals. Pollinaria two, each with two oblong sectile pollinia, separated by the septum, (and therefore, pollinia four) and a minute acicular caudicle; viscidium absent. Stigma lobes basally joined; rostellum tongue-like, erect, somewhat petaloid, expanded and three-lobed at apex; the lobes triangular, free; lateral lobes not connected with anther lobes, not with sac-like structures; auricles reduced to slender hooks.
Habenaria is characterized by the anther locules undivided, basal canals elongated, tapering. Pollinaria two, each consisting of a sectile pollinium, an elongated interlocular caudicle attached to a basal viscidium. Stigma lobes well separated, often stalked. Rostellum three-lobed; mid-lobe massive, somewhat dome-shaped, located between anther locules; sidelobes much longer, acting as carriers of caudicles of the pollinia, with minute sacs at their ends that hold the viscidia.
Only one species Odisha cleistantha S. Misra with green flowers, which never open, is known under this genus. It is endemic to India occurring in the states of Chhattishgarh, Jharkhand, Manipur, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.
Legend to figures attached
Odisha cleistantha S. Misra
a. flower, side view; b&c.lip, from different biotypes, d. column, anther, stigma and rostellum in position; e. cross-section of anther lobe, pollinia removed; f. pollinarium.
Welcome to efloraofindia. So glad to see you here.
I am sure we all can learn a lot from you.
For all members of eflora of India, Misra sir is basically an Engineer by profession but one of the finest orchid experts in India today and has written two books, one on Orchids fo Orissa and second on Orchids of India, a glimpse.
Welcome to the group Misra Sir…hoping to learn a lot from you..!! |
Odisha cleistantha
Updated on December 24, 2024